
:neovim:+:clj: - If you're enjoying Conjure and want to say thanks: :smile: (alt
Illia Danko 2021-05-21T09:36:24.013500Z

Hello, glad to be here again. Have some question spinning in my head: before jump into conjure fully, does anyone who use it professionally (I believe someone is) has a link to an article or just share ideas here of: • how to setup conjure • which extra plugin to use (open clojuredoc, javadoc, format code, autocomplete (found coc-conjure)), autogen ns when visit a new buffer, etc • how to organize a productive workflow (both clj, cljs) Any suggestions are acceptable 😉 not necessary covered all the bullets

dave 2021-05-21T12:44:12.014400Z

I use Conjure every day at work.

dave 2021-05-21T12:45:33.015400Z

I didn't go into things like which extra plugins I use in that blog post - I was basically just describing how to get started with Conjure, what it can do, and the things that I like about it, including eval-at-mark.

dave 2021-05-21T12:47:00.016400Z

As far as what plugins to use, that will vary depending on who you ask. There are a lot of great tools out there. Personally, I use:

Sigve 2021-05-24T06:56:16.045500Z

I love parinfer, but it is sadly rendered useless for me due to the undo bug: Do you experience it? If yes, do you have any workarounds to suggest?

dave 2021-05-24T10:06:19.054700Z

Basically, I don't experience that problem anymore. But when I was experiencing it, it wasn't often because I am not in the habit of undoing more than a couple of times in a row.

Sigve 2021-05-24T10:10:06.054900Z

Alright, thanks:) It is crucial in my workflow to test out silly things and then undoing my way back to the last stable state, which is why this bug is so inhibiting for me.

dharrigan 2021-05-21T12:58:56.016900Z

I have my vimconfig online here <> which shows the plugins I use here <>. I think most people use the same 🙂

👍 1
dharrigan 2021-05-21T12:59:40.017300Z

Is coc-conjure still needed, if one is using clojure-lsp I wonder?

dave 2021-05-21T13:00:37.017800Z

I think they're complementary. I have both clojure-lsp and conjure as sources for autocompletion, etc.

dharrigan 2021-05-21T13:00:59.018300Z

do they not conflict? Or what does coc-conjure give you that clojure-lsp doesnt?

dave 2021-05-21T13:01:14.018800Z

coc-conjure is REPL-aware. clojure-lsp is solely based on static analysis.

dharrigan 2021-05-21T13:01:16.018900Z

I'm always happy to whack in a few more plugins if I have FOMO! 🙂

dave 2021-05-21T13:01:37.019200Z

I have it configured so that if they both provide the same value, I prefer Conjure's.

dave 2021-05-21T13:01:56.019400Z

dharrigan 2021-05-21T13:02:47.019700Z

So you have this set? <>

dharrigan 2021-05-21T13:03:52.020200Z

Interesting. I must re-evaluate

dave 2021-05-21T13:04:04.020500Z

"coc.source.conjure.priority": 999999 and "suggest.removeDuplicateItems": true

dharrigan 2021-05-21T13:05:06.020700Z

Interestingly enough, I have those in my coc-settings too

dharrigan 2021-05-21T13:05:13.020900Z

I must have removed coc-conjure at some point

Olical 2021-05-21T13:06:50.021900Z

I personally use nvim-compe for completion these days but that's neovim 0.5+ only. I need to add first class support for it really, Tami has a repo that I'd like to integrate.

Olical 2021-05-21T13:06:57.022200Z

I need to hop on the LSP train at some point 😅

dharrigan 2021-05-21T13:07:12.022800Z


Olical 2021-05-21T13:07:32.023300Z

I want to keep out of LSP's domain as much as possible, use static analysis and lean on shared tooling for LSP stuff and Conjure fills in the gaps of live evaluation etc

dharrigan 2021-05-21T13:11:34.023800Z

You know what, I do already use coc-conjure

dharrigan 2021-05-21T13:11:41.024Z

what threw me is the link to the repo

dharrigan 2021-05-21T13:11:45.024200Z

of course, it's a coc extension!

dharrigan 2021-05-21T13:11:51.024400Z

so I have it already installed via coc!

Olical 2021-05-21T13:12:10.024700Z


Olical 2021-05-21T13:12:34.025300Z

I never liked that I had to think about JavaScript things for a vim plugin and I didn't like that I only wanted the completion, not the LSP bit.

Olical 2021-05-21T13:12:48.025700Z

So it felt conflated? Compe is just completion which is all I wanted really

Olical 2021-05-21T13:13:13.025900Z


dharrigan 2021-05-21T13:14:12.026200Z


dharrigan 2021-05-21T13:14:13.026400Z


dharrigan 2021-05-21T13:14:30.026800Z


dharrigan 2021-05-21T13:14:35.027100Z


Olical 2021-05-21T13:14:38.027200Z


Olical 2021-05-21T13:14:59.027700Z

I think it's after 10 years of Clojure your hair goes all Hickey

Olical 2021-05-21T13:15:24.028Z

I'm yet to get myself a hammock too

dharrigan 2021-05-21T13:17:01.028500Z

I'm nearly there. I've let my hair grow out, aka Covid Hair

dharrigan 2021-05-21T13:17:14.028800Z

I'm naturally curly too 🙂


bookmarking all these config posts, I need to revisit mine : )

emilaasa 2021-05-21T15:15:19.030Z

Great ideas, I probably also should publish some dotfiles and a post but it's too much work in progress now 🙂

emilaasa 2021-05-21T15:15:38.030400Z

Would probably help peoples self esteem if nothing else .. 🙂