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levitanong 2021-02-15T02:56:19.040200Z

Oh dear, it happened again 😞 This happened after I restarted my server following an entity reference error. Error during transaction clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Nothing found for entity id REDACTED {:error :entity-id/missing, :entity-id REDACTED} I'm not sure if the two are connected or coincidental.

Error during transaction java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No implementation of method: :-resolve-chan of protocol: #'hitchhiker.tree.node/IAddress found for class: clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap

timo 2021-02-15T08:46:41.040400Z

@levitanong Would you open an issue on github and describe what you did there? We are happy to try reproducing it and fixing any bug that comes up.

levitanong 2021-02-15T08:50:33.040600Z

Will do!

levitanong 2021-02-15T12:05:17.040800Z

Issue filed here, with an account of the first instance included.
