
jumar 2020-06-26T04:07:06.107Z

Did you try to set -Xmx explicitly (let's say to 64m)?

kwladyka 2020-06-26T08:11:15.107200Z


jumar 2020-06-26T10:41:21.107400Z

If you can you could try to run some monitoring tool alongside the java process, e.g. • _*jstat*_ to monitor heap: `jstat -gc &lt;PID&gt; &lt;repeat-interval-ms&gt;` • _*jcmd &lt;PID&gt; <|>*_ - very useful (and verbose) info is generated but it takes a while to create; • _*jcmd &lt;PID&gt; VM.native_memory*_ - assuming you start JVM with `-XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary` or `-XX:NativeMemoryTracking=detail` • _ps_ to monitor RSS • _pmap_ to get much more details about process memory mappings

kwladyka 2020-06-26T10:51:23.107700Z

I will try but this is not so easy, there is no way to log into shell in cloud run. I was trying to run some commands from Java before.

jumar 2020-06-26T11:11:10.108Z

Could you run multiple processes in your docker container?

kwladyka 2020-06-26T11:13:17.108200Z

i can do whatever container can do normally, so AFAIK it is possible but very not recommended

kwladyka 2020-06-26T11:13:25.108400Z

but for test purpose should be fine