
Danny Almeida 2020-02-19T03:21:30.059900Z

Please ignore my question.. I figured it out. I can add a middleware to add the header and that works..probably not the right way, but this returns the anti-forgery-token for all responses instead of just the forms


@kwrooijen it worked, thanks a lot!

kwrooijen 2020-02-19T08:54:38.060300Z

Good to hear, I made a PR to return a better error message when this happens https://github.com/duct-framework/core/pull/32

kwrooijen 2020-02-19T08:55:07.060600Z

Hopefully we can get this merged to help new users


that’s great!

teodorlu 2020-02-19T10:14:03.061300Z

@kevin.van.rooijen Thanks for creating the PR! I remember having banged my head against the same problem.