
FYI: alternative Onyx :onyx: chat is at <https://gitter.im/onyx-platform/onyx> ; log can be found at <https://clojurians-log.clojureverse.org/onyx/index.html>
kenji_signifier 2018-01-27T08:27:37.000034Z

I spent some time to get familiar myself to datomic cloud and onyx. Here are the gaps I face;

kenji_signifier 2018-01-27T08:30:44.000028Z

the following fns don’t exist in client-api. entity, ident, log, next-t, and tempid. as @souenzzo suggested some fns may be re-written in client-api, but not sure for all of them. Majority of them are used in tests so re-writing tests might be an option but I’d like to minimize the deviations.

kenji_signifier 2018-01-27T08:32:41.000062Z

I managed to handle selective lib loading and abstraction by pushing down the impls under protocol.

kenji_signifier 2018-01-27T12:01:15.000043Z

Tomorrow I’m gonna try the approach to keep using peer api for tests, and incorporate on-prem client lib. The differences between on-prem and cloud client api are primarily in connection area so I hope it has good enough fidelity.