
shaunlebron 2018-01-08T03:41:23.000111Z

chris and I both agree that no config is great

shaunlebron 2018-01-08T03:41:57.000091Z

chris maintains atom-parinfer

shaunlebron 2018-01-08T03:42:27.000036Z

the forceBalance option was not going to exist

shaunlebron 2018-01-08T03:43:05.000080Z

but it prevented atom-parinfer from being forked

shaunlebron 2018-01-08T03:44:31.000070Z

smart mode is still early stuff, so the options will help us explore what it should be

shaunlebron 2018-01-08T03:45:15.000003Z

after some experience, we might find better defaults and config could be ignored