
Simple, decomplected, isomorphic HTML UI library for Clojure and ClojureScript | 0.12.8
levitanong 2020-05-26T18:43:20.137300Z

did-mount would probably need to return rum-state.

(fn [state] 
  (.scrollIntoView (rum/dom-node state))


dom-node is deprecated though. I was trying to use the suggested replacement. Which based on the react documentation, is what I pasted above, that is to use a ref

sergey.shvets 2020-05-26T20:02:48.137700Z

I think

[:div [:span "this is"] [:br] [:span "on two lines"]] 
Should work. You need a br tag to do a new line in HTML. I'm sure you can write a helper function to split strings into spans/br based on new line symbol to make life easier for you


Ya, that's what I ended up doing, thanks!