
Latest version: 1.1.3
Pragyan Tripathi 2019-08-21T06:32:15.041800Z

@schmee Thanks a lot for the suggestions. I have been able to solve the problem I had with following method:

(defn- get-media-queries
  [breakpoints styles]
  (let [base-style (s/transform [s/MAP-VALS] #(%1 0) styles)
        styles-maps (s/setval [s/MAP-VALS empty?] s/NONE (s/setval [s/MAP-VALS s/FIRST] s/NONE styles))
        styles-list (map (fn [[key val]] (map #(hash-map key %1) val)) styles-maps)
        styles-final (apply vdu/merge-maps styles-list)
        breaks (map #(hash-map :min-width %1) breakpoints)
        styles-merged (into {} (mapv vector breaks styles-final))
    (assoc base-style ::stylefy/media styles-merged)))