and I have nothing to lose and therefore nothing to fear
And that is no exageration - I literally have nothing to lose that hasn't already been lost
once you've lost it all - more than once - you are never the same
not a bummer - I am free
me too
travel light through life
I've had nothing but the clothes on my back - more than once
Right now I have little more than that.
and that's about all I want
living in a 3 room apt. just breaking even. no heat most of the day.
I'm couch-surfing and grateful to not be on the streets.
I've also died twice. First time was melanoma. Told 20 years ago I had a significantly less than 5% chance of living 5 years.
2 years on the streets.
oh my!
These days drs tell me they have never seen a survivor who had melanoma spread to the lymph nodes.
about 6 months was in a tent - which was a luxury
everything is relative.
we are survivors
Today we got a portable washing machine. Rupali has been washing our cloths by hand for the last year.
I would get new clothes and throw the old ones away if nobody else wanted them
newly donated
never did laundry the whole time I was on the streets
never had it that tough
but facing death was life changing too
it did me a world of good
Learn what is important
I decided I was living a life that was not going anywhere and that I wanted to contribute something technical.
being humbled is interesting
instead of committing suicide I thought I'd try one last time to create a reality that embraced me
since I failed in my suicide attempt
sounds good, if challenging
so far so good
and so the man does what he feels like
whatever, I do what I want...
or is it you do, yes, what you want.
the former means no dicipline
we need south park emoji
lisp style, like all emoji. (sp)
oh, I see
at least on skype, the emoji are represented by a word in paren
did not know that
So, is cljs a good starting point?
sorry, I mean cljc
being platform nutral
Would you want a language that is platform agnostic or one that embraces the underlying platform?
reader conditionals
not sure
That's a good first question.
lots of benefits to host interop
yeah. and that is the UGLIEST part of clj.
Done quite badly.
I would lead by playing Socrates herding cats
ask a lot of questions and let the experts decde by consensus
I wouldn't write any of the code
other than writing in the language so I could eat the dogfood
nom nom nom
how about square brackets instead of parens
I'll call you bill gates then. Intentionally incompatible
Though MS seems to have changed its spots of late.
I just dread what MS is going to be doing in the near future once windows 8 is completely dead.
--let loose the gates of advertising.
I really think windows 10 is an advertising platform more than anything else.
Pay to turn the ads off!
AdBlock in Chrome is awesome
and now there is someone working on a new browser that is doing ad replacement
--ex ceo of firefox
OK, one advantage of [ over ( --no shift key, so you can type more easily.
But is ]]]]] as readable as )))))?
its a trivial thing that makes it easier to break with the past and make a fresh start
now using clojure 1.8.0
phantomjs for unit testing?