
Announcements from the Clojurians Admin Team (@U11BV7MTK @U077BEWNQ @U050TNB9F @U0ETXRFEW @U04V70XH6 @U8MJBRSR5 and others)
comma 2015-09-16T08:38:52.000211Z

re: that whatsapp article, as joe said on twitter it was only 13 erlang engineers, all the rest of them were for ios and android apps

stian 2015-09-16T08:57:56.000212Z

Don't think I've ever heard about a project with lower engineer-to-user ratio than whatsapp, pretty damn impressive.

luposlip 2015-09-16T11:27:09.000213Z

13 erlang engineers, that’s more like it! :simple_smile:

agile_geek 2015-09-16T12:43:50.000214Z

@luposlip: currently working (as contractor) on one dynamic Java web app in a large enterprise that has 800 developers! For one app!

😱 2
luposlip 2015-09-16T13:05:13.000215Z


dottedmag 2015-09-16T13:19:12.000216Z

"'We need more jobs' they say"


Right, ~13 Erlang programmers. Half of HN/Reddit remains completely unimpressed because it is “just chat"


Apparently, overall volume exceeds worldwide SMS volume

karlmikko 2015-09-16T21:58:16.000228Z

I just release a my first Clojure library. I would love some feedback.


I've been looking fo something like that. Is there any graphQL in Clojure yet ? Or is it something that we don't want ?

jaen 2015-09-16T22:18:18.000231Z

Closest CLojurelandhas to graphql is I think what this guy had been exploring in his last couple of posts -

jaen 2015-09-16T22:18:48.000232Z - relevant repo


@jaen I saw these as well, thanks. So I guess it's still in the exploration phase.

jaen 2015-09-16T22:19:29.000236Z

As for whether that's something desirable or not, I'd hazard a guess it is since seems to be moving into that direction.


That would be awesome ! I was under the impression that it was undecided between Falcor / GraphQL though ?

jaen 2015-09-16T22:21:34.000238Z

I use Reagent rather than om so I'm not that up to date, though I was under impression it was something custom, just inspired by those libraries.


I use neither yet :simple_smile: (but it will probably be Om). Well they made pretty good choices so far so ... let's see

jaen 2015-09-16T22:25:13.000240Z

I'll probably stay with Reagent (and/or move to Rum, Reagent seems to make it hard to interface with Datascript properly) and write something similar myself (half because I want to, half because I have to because I made that my thesis project).

jaen 2015-09-16T22:25:34.000241Z

But none the less I'm curious what exactly will turn up in


Never heard of Rum so far, thanks :simple_smile:

jaen 2015-09-16T22:27:26.000243Z

It's the newest React wrapper, I think

jaen 2015-09-16T22:29:04.000244Z

From what I've used of Reagent it seems to make it hard to hook into it's atom dispose protocol (or maybe I'm just missing something) while Rum makes things like that explicit, which makes the former not so nice integrating with Datascript, and the latter considerable better (which I guess makes sense, since it's by the same author and it was one of the motivations I think).


yes so it would potentially mean better integration with any storage engine ? You just made me reconsider learning Om. Maybe just first then as it has probably a better documentation for now


Well thank you that was pleasant. Good night everyone.

jaen 2015-09-16T22:49:48.000248Z

I'm not saying om is bad (I'm just kinda put off by how spartan it appears with all that reify and #js and non-clojurish-casing, but that's really personal and maybe it's my failing for not getting past that) it just that Reagent seems more pleasant for starters.

karlmikko 2015-09-16T22:52:27.000249Z

@nha I had not seen something for clojure, hence why i wrote this

karlmikko 2015-09-16T22:53:23.000250Z

@nha with regard to GraphQL/Falcor - I would not be surprised if there were wrappers between the two as they are quite similar.