
Announcements from the Clojurians Admin Team (@U11BV7MTK @U077BEWNQ @U050TNB9F @U0ETXRFEW @U04V70XH6 @U8MJBRSR5 and others)

@warn4n: you could install it from the software update site, perhaps?


Is there a way or example of how to build an upgradable commandline tool in clojure?

christianromney 2015-09-18T10:53:58.000282Z

@kacurez: tools.cli may be of help, but what do you mean by "upgradable"?


@christianromney: thanks, I check it. By upgradable(or better updatable) I mean that you can simply update it via a command(without touching any file) e.g something like npm update. If I understand right I can achieve this with boot-clj and having the tool “installed” as clojar

sandbags 2015-09-18T12:23:03.000286Z

Should leiningen be, indiscriminately, adding my test folder to the classpath?

sandbags 2015-09-18T12:23:15.000287Z

i’d kind of assumed that only test related commands would do this

sandbags 2015-09-18T12:23:32.000288Z

but i’m having a problem with my test namespaces getting loaded by the ring server command

rauh 2015-09-18T12:30:08.000289Z

@sandbags: IIRC, leiningen does add this automatically to the dev profile (and possibly others). Are you using a profile called dev?

martinklepsch 2015-09-18T13:02:07.000290Z

@kacurez: as far as I can tell alda-lang provides such thing


oh yeah,


@martinklepsch, @alandipert great! looks like alda-lang is doing it the way I want, will have a closer look. Thanks for the inspiration!

sandbags 2015-09-18T14:47:39.000296Z

@rauh: Ah - I am. That’s interesting thank you (sorry, terrible internet connection here)

dave 2015-09-18T15:43:11.000301Z

btw, we have an #C0AGEL9L1 channel, if alda piques anyone's interest :simple_smile:

👍 2