@warn4n: you could install it from the software update site, perhaps?
Is there a way or example of how to build an upgradable commandline tool in clojure?
@kacurez: tools.cli may be of help, but what do you mean by "upgradable"?
@christianromney: thanks, I check it. By upgradable(or better updatable) I mean that you can simply update it via a command(without touching any file) e.g something like npm update
. If I understand right I can achieve this with boot-clj and having the tool “installed” as clojar
Should leiningen be, indiscriminately, adding my test folder to the classpath?
i’d kind of assumed that only test related commands would do this
but i’m having a problem with my test namespaces getting loaded by the ring server command
@sandbags: IIRC, leiningen does add this automatically to the dev
profile (and possibly others). Are you using a profile called dev
@kacurez: as far as I can tell alda-lang provides such thing
oh yeah, https://github.com/alda-lang/alda/blob/master/bin/alda
@martinklepsch, @alandipert great! looks like alda-lang is doing it the way I want, will have a closer look. Thanks for the inspiration!
@rauh: Ah - I am. That’s interesting thank you (sorry, terrible internet connection here)
btw, we have an #C0AGEL9L1 channel, if alda piques anyone's interest :simple_smile: