
Announcements from the Clojurians Admin Team (@U11BV7MTK @U077BEWNQ @U050TNB9F @U0ETXRFEW @U04V70XH6 @U8MJBRSR5 and others)
danielcompton 2015-09-21T03:18:30.000315Z

What is @meekan?

danielcompton 2015-09-21T03:45:53.000319Z

no dice :simple_smile:

maria 2015-09-21T03:48:13.000320Z

I want to see it try to schedule a meeting for 2716 participants πŸ˜„

maria 2015-09-21T03:48:23.000321Z

I wonder how many time zones we have.

danielcompton 2015-09-21T03:52:07.000322Z

Haha, I’m imagining it melting down

danielcompton 2015-09-21T04:41:50.000323Z

Name for the next Clojure conference: (def con)

πŸ‘ 2
lfn3 2015-09-21T04:50:13.000324Z

Or (def conj)?

lfn3 2015-09-21T04:51:27.000325Z

Too close to conj tho right?

danielcompton 2015-09-21T04:55:29.000326Z

probably. Although it’s also perilously close to DEFCON, and you don’t want to upset them

😱 1
lfn3 2015-09-21T05:05:08.000327Z

You'd end up with the most secure conf signup page at the end of it though, right?

luskwater 2015-09-21T13:13:02.000332Z

@amacdougall: give yourself (or #C03S1KBA2) the Rubber Duck merit badge:

πŸ¦† 1
akiva 2015-09-21T16:22:49.000334Z

@amacdougall: Hammock-driven development.

hypirion 2015-09-21T22:27:01.000338Z

@nberger: Leiningen 2.5.3 is out, so the GPG issue you had should be resolved

nberger 2015-09-21T22:54:28.000339Z

@hypirion: Yes, it is! Many, many thanks!!


I didn't realize served up .svg for every artifact it has. Example:


Weekly Reminder that Clojars Needs Help: