
Announcements from the Clojurians Admin Team (@U11BV7MTK @U077BEWNQ @U050TNB9F @U0ETXRFEW @U04V70XH6 @U8MJBRSR5 and others)
jamesmacaulay 2015-09-29T01:11:19.000626Z

show & tell: I've been playing around with extracting the state from stateful transducers

jamesmacaulay 2015-09-29T01:13:38.000627Z

this might be useful for various reasons, but one reason would be to hold the state somewhere in a global app state atom so that you could e.g. rewind it along with other app state

bradford 2015-09-29T02:39:07.000629Z

Hiiii friends

akiva 2015-09-29T03:28:28.000633Z

The acid just kicked in.


hi, I have a circular dependency between two defrecords. Is there another way to resolve this than move them into separate namespaces?


@nicholasf: could be useful


nha: thanks, I tried declare


defrecord creates a Java class under the hood, declare only creates a var stub


nha: I ended up working around it


see the agency comment


ah I see.. well I was thinking about it : is it Clojure trying to nudge us into not having circular dependencies in records ?


I dont really want to guess what clojure means

danielcompton 2015-09-29T08:51:12.000652Z

@nicholasf: search the Clojure mailing list for this, I seem to remember something about circular defrecords


will do

ordnungswidrig 2015-09-29T12:52:33.000664Z

must async channels be closed or are they eventually garbage collected. i.e. in

(<!! (go 1))

jamesmacaulay 2015-09-29T16:26:17.000671Z

@ordnungswidrig: I believe they are GC'd whether or not they are closed, as long as there are no pending puts or takes (or any other references to it, of course)

teslanick 2015-09-29T19:32:55.000678Z

Doesn't closing a channel drop all pending puts on the floor (resolves the >! to false)?