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Hi all, i am new to clojure and am looking at a well written lib (not mine). Still the functions code look long to me. Do you use a tool, a plugin in emacs to navigate throught clojure code and spot that an item of code is a function from a external library or defined in the file ?

jaen 2015-10-07T12:59:47.000058Z

I don't know about emacs, but Cursive is pretty good at navigating code


@jaen thx for your answer

2015-10-07T13:03:51.000060Z has very well config for clojure

malcolmsparks 2015-10-07T13:26:57.000062Z

@ncouturier: yes, in emacs, there's cider-find-var which is usually bound to M-period (and M-comma for a 'back button')

malcolmsparks 2015-10-07T13:27:29.000063Z

imo, it's pretty essential when reading clojure to be able to dive in to vars like this

malcolmsparks 2015-10-07T13:27:44.000064Z

I've only recently discovered how to do this in cljs too

akiva 2015-10-07T13:33:05.000066Z

I’m like @delaguardo and use Spacemacs so Helm, Projectile, CIDER, clj-refactor, and other great packages are baked right in and unified. Helm’s great.


love helm

malcolmsparks 2015-10-07T14:05:51.000069Z

@ncouturier: never used it, but I think I will soon

tjg 2015-10-07T15:14:03.000070Z

@ncouturier: Nice, I use outline-magic for code folding, but that helm-clojure-headlines may have advantages. BTW, the version in the article no longer seems to work; I use this now:

tjg 2015-10-07T16:09:03.000072Z

@ncouturier: Hmm, customized that helm-clojure-headlines a bit...

ghadi 2015-10-07T19:29:10.000075Z

Anyone know of articles against using schemas (avro/thrift/protobuf) across applications? I know Stu halloway's talk Narcissistic Design mentions it.

alexmiller 2015-10-07T19:31:26.000076Z

he talked about it more in the fressian talk at the conj a couple years ago

ghadi 2015-10-07T19:40:13.000077Z

looking for some text... specifically about the drawbacks of schemas

mitchelkuijpers 2015-10-07T19:59:51.000078Z

@tjg @ncouturier: helm-semantic-or-imenu also gives you all the functions in a source file 😉

tjg 2015-10-07T20:20:21.000079Z

@mitchelkuijpers: Ha, thanks! Gotta stop diving in without looking around...

mitchelkuijpers 2015-10-07T20:59:52.000080Z

@tjg glad to help