I think we need a channel for newbies to clojure..Some heavy jargon in the available channels unless that could be some flashcarding for us..
@progzilla: try #C053AK3F9
Ok thanks
Hm. is it available to use Clojure logo as an avatar for a conference?
This is so cool http://hyegar.com/blog/2015/11/05/write-ocaml,-run-on-nodejs/
hello clojurians
Hello @quii
@lowl4tency: Rich Hickey owns the copyright on the Clojure logo, so using generally requires permission. See this mailing list discussion https://groups.google.com/d/msg/clojure/mc-JzjXspe0/ol17UfGrqbQJ
Yes, I've saw the discussion, thank you