
Announcements from the Clojurians Admin Team (@U11BV7MTK @U077BEWNQ @U050TNB9F @U0ETXRFEW @U04V70XH6 @U8MJBRSR5 and others)
roberto 2015-12-16T01:58:56.001903Z

I was also looking for a websocket client

roberto 2015-12-16T02:01:30.001904Z

I wanted to build a cli interface for a server. Use Case: a server that doesn’t accept any outside connections (only the running service is allowed to go out). Have an cli admin that can be started in the client to interact with the server and view its status, trigger actions, etc. But wanted to use websockets, especially for displaying statistics. I know this is doable in node. I’ve seen some apps on github that do this. But couldn’t find a clojure websocket client 😞

mpenet 2015-12-16T06:24:59.001908Z

@roberto @jeff @sveri there's one in

sveri 2015-12-16T08:06:14.001912Z

@danielcompton: I was thinking about that too, but I guess its one of gniazdos dependencies that causes the classpath issue

sveri 2015-12-16T08:06:33.001913Z

@mpenet: That also looks like what I want, but brings in a lot of deps I don't need

sveri 2015-12-16T09:13:52.001914Z

The thing is, it is enough to include the jetty websocket client dependency [org.eclipse.jetty.websocket/websocket-client "9.3.6.v20151106"]into my project and I cannot serve my pages anymore. I opened a SO question for it:

mpenet 2015-12-16T09:34:10.001916Z

ring probably pulls an old jetty version which isn't compatible with some of the dependencies of jetty-ws

mpenet 2015-12-16T09:36:07.001917Z

jet has a ring compatible adapter fyi, so you could just replace the jetty adapter (and http-kit too, dunno why you have both) you're using now with it

sveri 2015-12-16T10:08:39.001918Z

@mpenet: I think that solved it, thank you very much. If you want to, you can go collect some SO points. I have both ring and http-kit included because ring has the easier dev setup and http-kit is used for production

mpenet 2015-12-16T10:09:36.001919Z

yw, I don't care much about SO points ;}

sveri 2015-12-16T10:15:54.001920Z

@roberto: Now that I got that error fixed I got working. Seems to do exactly what I need

roelof 2015-12-16T11:02:55.001922Z

Hello , I try to register a user. Therefore I use a last-login which has to be a time. But the user have not logged in. How do I see a dummy time object in this ?

roberto 2015-12-16T14:17:19.001924Z

@sveri Thank you. gniazdo looks like what I need.

dave 2015-12-16T14:35:24.001925Z

@roberto: i had a similar use case a while back -- here's how i solved it:

roberto 2015-12-16T14:38:29.001927Z

@dave thanks. That is very helpful

sveri 2015-12-16T14:42:40.001928Z

@roberto: but take care if you use it with ring, you need to exclude ring-jetty-adapter then and declare your own one

roberto 2015-12-16T14:43:11.001929Z

yeah, I was planning on using it in a cli app. So no ring.

roberto 2015-12-16T16:51:21.001933Z

oh man, reading the source for clj-webdriver is pretty painful. Hard to find things.

roberto 2015-12-16T16:51:42.001934Z

for example, I can’t find the ns for taxi

roberto 2015-12-16T16:52:05.001935Z

even though using taxi is as simple as (:require [ :as taxi])

roberto 2015-12-16T16:52:46.001937Z

and a search for the word taxi doesn’t show anything

roberto 2015-12-16T16:52:58.001938Z

makes me start to question my own sanity

dave 2015-12-16T17:30:41.001940Z

whoa... that is weird. where is

roberto 2015-12-16T17:34:59.001941Z

yeah, I never thought I’d see magic in clojure (btw I hate magic)

roberto 2015-12-16T17:36:17.001942Z

for a moment I thought taxi was maybe being pulled in from a 3rd party dependency, but no. It is in clj-webdriver wiki

dave 2015-12-16T17:37:09.001946Z

but i can't find it in the source on github

roberto 2015-12-16T17:37:32.001947Z

yeah, I’m very confused

dave 2015-12-16T17:37:44.001948Z

maybe it was removed sometime after version 0.7.2?

roberto 2015-12-16T17:37:52.001949Z

0.7.2 is the only version

dave 2015-12-16T17:37:54.001950Z

oh, lol

roberto 2015-12-16T17:38:02.001951Z

well, it is the latest version

roberto 2015-12-16T17:38:17.001952Z


roberto 2015-12-16T17:38:18.001953Z

I see

roberto 2015-12-16T17:38:21.001954Z

you are right

roberto 2015-12-16T17:38:33.001955Z

I had to switch to the 0.7.x branch

roberto 2015-12-16T17:38:34.001956Z


roberto 2015-12-16T17:38:51.001957Z

so much for having master be stable

roberto 2015-12-16T17:40:36.001958Z

@dave thank you for your help

dave 2015-12-16T17:41:09.001959Z


dave 2015-12-16T17:50:47.001960Z

yep, here's the commit on master where the taxi api was removed:

roberto 2015-12-16T17:53:20.001961Z

weird, so the next release is a breaking release

markmandel 2015-12-16T21:12:30.001964Z

Does anyone in here know why ClojureTV disabled embedding of its YouTube videos?

markmandel 2015-12-16T21:16:09.001965Z

Seems odd, and I wanted to embed my talk in a blog post of mine talking about Clojure/conj... 😕