
Announcements from the Clojurians Admin Team (@U11BV7MTK @U077BEWNQ @U050TNB9F @U0ETXRFEW @U04V70XH6 @U8MJBRSR5 and others)
seancorfield 2015-12-17T00:27:22.001968Z

@markmandel: I think @alexmiller said it wasn’t deliberate… I don’t remember what the upshot of that discussion was tho’…

jethroksy 2015-12-17T01:56:57.001970Z

I think that was regarding why youtube comments were disabled


disabling youtube comments is a fantastic idea


but im pretty sure it was about embedding

seancorfield 2015-12-17T03:07:37.001973Z

I searched the archives. It was in #events on December 13 around 2pm. I can't get to it on my phone to read the whole discussion.

gabehollombe 2015-12-17T09:28:23.001977Z

What’s the go-to clojure library for making HTTP calls and supports websocket connections?

jaen 2015-12-17T09:40:33.001978Z

I guess http-kit could git that description, but it's a bit unmaintained recently. There's also aleph that has both HTTP and websocket clients and it's well maintained.


@gabehollombe: I encourage you to check out jet

👍 3
gabehollombe 2015-12-17T09:52:44.001981Z

sweet. ty

sveri 2015-12-17T12:01:32.001983Z

Hi, I am trying to use websockets with http-kit but get this error: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerationException: Cannot JSON encode object of class: class org.httpkit.server.AsyncChannel when I try to open one from cljs to clj. I already excluded almost every middleware I found, but the error remains. I am using the latest http-kit version.

mpenet 2015-12-17T12:17:09.001984Z

seems like you're trying to generate JSON from an Async channel, as the error indicates

sveri 2015-12-17T12:17:52.001985Z

TBH I just c&p some code from chord

robert-stuttaford 2015-12-17T12:45:31.001986Z

sveri your http-kit request or response has an async channel inside it. you need to find and dissoc it before json handles it

sveri 2015-12-17T14:52:03.001987Z

@robert-stuttaford: I have been trying some more and tried to stay as simple as possible with javascript websocket openening and http-kit websocket endpoint, but still get the same error:

sveri 2015-12-17T15:12:56.001989Z

Ok, I found some more middleware I was not aware of that seems to have broken it. Something in noir.util.middleware

sveri 2015-12-17T15:13:54.001990Z

To be exact, it was wrap-restful-format, wasn't even aware of it

socksy 2015-12-17T16:27:29.001991Z

anyone here used sente?

socksy 2015-12-17T16:28:33.001992Z

(not sure which channel to ask about it)

jaen 2015-12-17T16:37:24.001993Z

@socksy: yeah, some people have used certainly (I did for one). #C03S1L9DN would probably be best bet if you have to reach those most likely to have some more practical experience.


what css preprocessors are people using? i've used Sass extensively, and Less a bit uh... less so. looking at Garden, which besides being clj is also similar to Hiccup/Reagent. anything else i should look at?

tim_h 2015-12-17T17:19:47.001995Z

@eyelidlessness: why are you looking for something new css preprocessor wise?


new project, first in cljs, happy with reagent so far

jaen 2015-12-17T17:20:21.001997Z

I use sass, even with Clojure (through boot-middleman) and I'm pretty satisfied.

⬆️ 2

i know sass well, have even built up a lot around it, but wondering if the grass is greener.

jaen 2015-12-17T17:20:51.002Z

I kind of miss stylus, but hardly any CSS framework targets it.


something about s-expressions everywhere is appealing, too

jaen 2015-12-17T17:23:21.002002Z

Possibly, but not having CSS frameworks/libraries for the preprocessor of choice is less appealing, unfortunately.


in the past i've tended to build my own stuff, rather than use third party frameworks/libs


for instance, i could not stand compass and ditched it rapidly

jaen 2015-12-17T17:24:10.002005Z

Though I think I've heard of Garden having one or two libs.

jaen 2015-12-17T17:24:24.002006Z

Ah yeah, Compass is weird. I prefer Bourbon if anything.


i haven't spent as much time with bourbon, only reviewing a past project some. it did seem less awful


anyway, it seems based on this extremely scientific poll, that garden isn't especially popular.


i may try it out a bit just for my own education

jaen 2015-12-17T17:26:13.002010Z

> something about s-expressions everywhere is appealing, too Looks like someone had a similar idea it seems -


mesh looks cool


appears to be config-driven, which fits how i tended to use sass

pat 2015-12-17T17:33:51.002016Z

Is there a simple way to make HTTPS post requests from a client lib?

pat 2015-12-17T17:34:33.002017Z

looks like i need to try http-kit

jaen 2015-12-17T17:36:20.002018Z

Hm, [clj-http]( doesn't seems like it needs any special incantations for example.


I realy want to do a port of Bourbon, Neat and Bitters to Garden


Bourbon is easily my favourite css framework. I really dig the grid stuff being mixins rather than extra selectors

pat 2015-12-17T17:37:36.002024Z

@jaen I do not know how keystore stuff works

jaen 2015-12-17T17:38:35.002025Z

But don't you only need them if you self-signed the certs on the remote server?

pat 2015-12-17T17:39:35.002026Z

i am trying to test an AWS endpoint, rejects everything i've tried with clj-http

jaen 2015-12-17T17:40:30.002027Z

And where did you get the certificate on the endpoint from?

pat 2015-12-17T17:41:36.002028Z

amazon handles all that, unless i am misunderstanding

pat 2015-12-17T17:41:45.002029Z

http isnt even an option

jaen 2015-12-17T17:43:17.002030Z

Don't they have anything regarding that in the documentation? Like the intermediate certificates and whatnot?

pat 2015-12-17T17:44:45.002032Z

all I see is stuff pushing me towards their sdk , which for java is dreadful

jaen 2015-12-17T17:45:14.002033Z

How about

pat 2015-12-17T17:45:55.002036Z

doesn't support API Gateway yet

jaen 2015-12-17T17:46:44.002037Z

Well, dang ; /

pat 2015-12-17T17:47:18.002038Z

yeah abit bleeding edge problems, gateway+lambda is very promising though

pat 2015-12-17T17:53:22.002039Z

^http-kit worked

pat 2015-12-17T17:53:42.002040Z

or not

mattly 2015-12-17T18:17:09.002042Z

@eyelidlessness: I’ve been using on several projects and am hoping to get it integrated into my clj project soon


i've not spent much time with any of the node-based preprocessors. why did you choose postcss? what does it offer over, say, sass?

mattly 2015-12-17T18:19:27.002046Z

1) by default it’s just css. plays nicely with anyone who hasn’t learned less/sass yet

mattly 2015-12-17T18:19:47.002047Z

2) vibrant plugin community that aggressively scopes plugins to a minimal feature set

mattly 2015-12-17T18:19:56.002048Z

so if you want just autoprefixing, there’s a plugin for that

mattly 2015-12-17T18:20:04.002049Z

if you want just css3 variables, there’s a plugin for that

mattly 2015-12-17T18:20:21.002050Z

if you want sass-like “mixins” there’s a plugin for that

mattly 2015-12-17T18:20:41.002051Z

additionally, there are plugins that go well beyond what less/sass have to offer

mattly 2015-12-17T18:21:19.002052Z

“immutable css” enforcement, colorblindness warnings, image & font inlining

mattly 2015-12-17T18:21:46.002053Z

3) I’ve played around with garden and while I really really want to like it, many common css-isms are very difficult in it

mattly 2015-12-17T18:22:21.002054Z

and while one of our designers likes hiccup templates a lot, she agreed that the same idea applied to css was just too difficult to work with

jaen 2015-12-17T18:23:06.002055Z

You like a designer who likes hiccup? That's interesting. I'd think it would be too alien for them.

mattly 2015-12-17T18:23:24.002056Z

we have a designer that likes hiccup

mattly 2015-12-17T18:23:29.002057Z


bostonaholic 2015-12-17T18:23:36.002058Z


jaen 2015-12-17T18:24:58.002059Z

Yeah, that's pretty cool.

jaen 2015-12-17T18:25:35.002060Z

And lol, I used like twice there, sorry for the typo '

mattly 2015-12-17T18:26:07.002061Z



@mattly: thx for all that, very helpful

sveri 2015-12-17T20:35:33.002068Z

@yogthos: Hi, Did you ever try to use sente with your latest luminus template? And by using sente I mean connecting with a cljs websockt to your server websocket endpoint? Or maybe even some other websocket library?

yogthos 2015-12-17T20:36:32.002069Z

@sveri: yeah it should work with the latest template, I ran into this issue recently though

yogthos 2015-12-17T20:36:59.002070Z

I was using slf4j-timbre by default, but turns out that causes issues for sente, so I've removed it for now

yogthos 2015-12-17T20:37:39.002071Z

the problem is that slf4j-timbre needs to be compiled to implement the slf4j API, and it ends up compiling the specific version of timbre along with its dependencies

roberto 2015-12-17T20:37:59.002072Z

ha! I’ve run into issues like that before. Logging libraries dependency conflicts can be the worst

yogthos 2015-12-17T20:38:37.002073Z

the worst part is that compiled classes seem to take precedence, so you can't just shuffle dependencies around or add exclusions

roberto 2015-12-17T20:39:01.002074Z

yeah, it has been the source of many time sinks

sveri 2015-12-17T20:39:18.002075Z

@yogthos: Ah no, I am talking about a different problem. I described here today and also added an issue for me: The thing is, disabling this option will remove the params from other AJAX requests. However, I just created a new luminus template with http-kit, site and cljs profile, added sente on front and backend and get the same error

roberto 2015-12-17T20:40:05.002076Z

you might want to separate your handlers?

yogthos 2015-12-17T20:40:09.002077Z

oh yeah websocket routes have to be defined separately so they don't get wrapped with the regular middleware

sveri 2015-12-17T20:40:27.002078Z

Ah, that makes sense

yogthos 2015-12-17T20:40:35.002079Z

yeah, with luminus I and up creating separate handlers for that

roberto 2015-12-17T20:40:58.002080Z

I do the same, especially since I include both html handlers and rest handlers in the same app.

sveri 2015-12-17T20:41:07.002081Z

Do you have by chance an example somewhere?

roberto 2015-12-17T20:41:13.002082Z

was one of the things I struggled with initially when I started using ring

roberto 2015-12-17T20:41:50.002083Z

here is a short example

yogthos 2015-12-17T20:42:11.002085Z

yeah you also have to be careful with compojure

roberto 2015-12-17T20:42:26.002086Z

yeah, and adding OAuth is yet another tricky scenario

yogthos 2015-12-17T20:42:35.002087Z

any middleware you want to apply to specific routes has to be done using wrap-routes

roberto 2015-12-17T20:42:52.002088Z

spent an entire weekend once trying to get OAuth to work, and the issues was the order in which the middlewares were applied

yogthos 2015-12-17T20:42:59.002089Z

I'd like to get something like +oauth in luminus, just haven't had time

👍 2
sveri 2015-12-17T20:43:41.002090Z

So you are wrapping defroutes into routes again?

roberto 2015-12-17T20:43:57.002091Z


yogthos 2015-12-17T20:44:08.002092Z

yeah I end up with something like this

roberto 2015-12-17T20:44:10.002093Z

not sure why I had to do that, I just know it worked

roberto 2015-12-17T20:44:23.002094Z

playing around trying different things, and this finally worked.

sveri 2015-12-17T20:44:44.002096Z

Ok, thank you both :simple_smile:

roberto 2015-12-17T20:44:44.002097Z

I like that


anyone know any open, public EDN APIs - ie web services