I have problem using joplin with datomic, I'm not sure what's wrong, the error message when I run migration is :
Migrating #joplin.datomic.database.DatomicDatabase{:url datomic:<mem://localhost:4334/counter>}
Applying 201512345
NullPointerException java.net.URI$Parser.parse (URI.java:3042)
nvm, I've fixed the problem, it was a typo in my code.
anyone aware of a graphql implementation in clojure/clojurescript with mutation support? seems that there isn’t much interest in the clj community on graphql. i wonder why?
Because there is an implementation (just not exact/direct), it is just not called graphql. Watch any David Nolan videos on Om Next and graphql is talked about.
hi guys what is the proper way to define a valid schema using regex in schema ?
I've tried (def schema {:user s/Regex #"^[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}$"})
but it doesn't seem to work 😞
Does anyone know how to deprecate a jar and remove the repository link from it on clojars?
Never mind. https://github.com/clojars/clojars-web/wiki/About#how-do-i-delete-a-jar solves my problem.
hi eveyone , i am new to programing can i learn clojure or is it too soon
never too soon or too late
I think lisps are great first languages
But Clojure has a few things that make it less than ideal for a first timer, particularly absolutely awful errors.
well how new are you to programming?
I think something like Racket with "How to Design Programs" could be a better introduction.
i have done some programing in c & c++ . and in javascript .
Hmm, maybe you have background enough to not be scared by those errors then, I suppose.
what kind of application can u design using clojure ?
It's a general purpose programming language.
But it's certainly less used in areas like GUI programming or game programming than in others.
It's sweet spot is probably web applications, especially those of more complex variety - single page applications, realtime updates and such.
There's also general interest into extending that to cover mobile applications through React Native.
But if you think figuring out what errors like those mean - http://technomancy.us/i/clj-stacktrace.png - then you could probably just pick up "Programming Clojure" and start learning.
@jaen: how did you get that coloring?
I dunno, I've just grabbed that off the interwebs. I use Cursive.
But the relevant post - http://technomancy.us/154 - suggests clj-stacktrace
ah, cool
@jaen: @darwin : also check out https://github.com/AvisoNovate/pretty
Looking at the screen from the docs this looks suspiciously similar to what Cursive (or boot's repl) outputs for me.
@donmullen: thanks, will give it a try
@jaen : interesting - not sure boot uses pretty - but many others do : https://crossclj.info/ns/io.aviso/pretty/0.1.20/project.clj.html#used