Has anyone got pointers for pen testing Apis? Ideally generative in nature and covers non conforming vectors - I've come across node.js tools that only seem to keep within the relevant standards rather than be nefarious in nature…
this might be a lein/boot question, but is there a way to have something like a "whole-program macro”? e.g. something that will do whole-program transformations, e.g. for doing clever tools.analyzer stuff &c?
Hi, we've just launched an add-on to slack: http://www.newspaper.io which periodically posts the most relevant articles for specific topics. We've started out with Clojure, Golang, React, Swift and Docker. We are in beta right now and working hard to get the content as good as possible. I'd really appreciate any feedback!
@nogeek looks cool - I've added it to my slack team. I'll let you know how it goes.
awesome thanks :simple_smile:
let me know if you have any suggestions! @agile_geek
@nogeek: I've added it as well and let you know if we have any feedback!
@hans: thanks!
clojurescript should be coming soon as soon as the quality gets good enough of the content coming through
Hi there - happy new year! :simple_smile:
@artemyarulin: hey, your project is very nice, it makes thing easy to try out om next and clojurescript with react native 😄
@nxqd: Thank you! Glad that it works not only on my machine :simple_smile:
@nogeek: cool, great work :simple_smile: where do you pull the content from?
thanks! @gjnoonan its a mixture of sources: twitter, reddit, HN, github etc and growing
I had a great time at Clojure/conj 2015 and I blogged this just before the holidays — http://hashrocket.com/blog/posts/a-peek-into-the-clojure-community