
Announcements from the Clojurians Admin Team (@U11BV7MTK @U077BEWNQ @U050TNB9F @U0ETXRFEW @U04V70XH6 @U8MJBRSR5 and others)

For anyone who builds SPA (ideally with a database server side), what tools do you use?

akiva 2016-01-10T00:10:42.003742Z

You should ask in #C03S1L9DN. :simple_smile:

meow 2016-01-10T00:11:02.003743Z

@tom do you want to use React as part of that?

meow 2016-01-10T00:11:23.003744Z

and ditto what @akiva said


@meow: yes I do. I'll ask there perhaps, looks like there was a brouhaha in there when I was gonna ask and I didn't want to clutter it up with general architecture questions.

akiva 2016-01-10T00:16:46.003747Z

@tom, makes sense. The reason why we recommend asking in specific channels is that everyone gets automatically added to this channel and they can’t leave it so all conversations trigger unread message counts and badges, etc.

meow 2016-01-10T00:21:06.003749Z

@tom You have a wealth of options and will have to do some basic research on them to figure out the best fit for you: Om, Reagent, Re-frame and plenty more. Too many to give you any better answer without more investment on your part. :simple_smile: