
Announcements from the Clojurians Admin Team (@U11BV7MTK @U077BEWNQ @U050TNB9F @U0ETXRFEW @U04V70XH6 @U8MJBRSR5 and others)

anyone know any good clojure/cljs podcasts? I already listen to the cognicast, and something slightly more beginner focused would be quite appreciated

roberto 2016-01-29T17:39:58.000107Z

Functional Geekery is a good podcast

roberto 2016-01-29T17:40:08.000108Z

even tho it is not Clojure exclusive

mj_langford 2016-01-29T18:29:47.000109Z

And he really need better sound treatment in his “studio'

mj_langford 2016-01-29T18:29:52.000110Z

so echoy

mj_langford 2016-01-29T18:30:26.000111Z

I’d feel bad about messaging and saying “how about you go sit in your closet with the mic to fix dat echo mate” though

mj_langford 2016-01-29T18:30:46.000112Z

but it has good content, for sure