
Announcements from the Clojurians Admin Team (@U11BV7MTK @U077BEWNQ @U050TNB9F @U0ETXRFEW @U04V70XH6 @U8MJBRSR5 and others)
glenjamin 2016-02-05T00:45:18.000346Z


akiva 2016-02-05T01:35:15.000347Z



I have a problem getting Overtone to correctly play MIDI events. When I load Overtone and define play-note it works as expected.

(use '

(def piano-device
  (first (midi-connected-receivers)))

(defn play-note [dev x]
  (midi-note dev x 100 500))

(play-note piano-device 60)
However, if I want to schedule MIDI events into the future by defining play-melody, it will play them immediately (all at once), instead of at the specified beats.
(def one-twenty (metronome 120))

(defn play-melody [m]
  (let [beat (m)]
    (at (m beat) (play-note piano-device 60))
    (at (m (+ beat 1)) (play-note piano-device 63))
    (at (m (+ beat 2)) (play-note piano-device 67))
    (at (m (+ beat 3)) (play-note piano-device 58))))

(play-melody one-twenty)
I have tried to use anonymous functions (wrapping them in fn) instead of calling play-note within play-melody, but I couldn't get it to work. Anyone care to help me out?

meow 2016-02-05T11:11:47.000353Z

@kodnin: That would be a good question to ask on the #C053Q1QSG channel rather than general, thanks.


@meow: thanks for the suggestion. I will ask it there.

ricardo 2016-02-05T13:35:05.000357Z

@jaen: I tried OpenShift. Had trouble even logging in sometimes, did not really feel enticed to run an application from it. And then I noticed the ancient Postgres.

ricardo 2016-02-05T13:36:32.000358Z

Recently met someone from RedHat and forgot to bring that up. I wonder if it has improved.

jaen 2016-02-05T13:37:24.000359Z

Well, I didn't have much problems with it when I tried to set up that project on it. But ancient Postgres? Yeah, that was a non-starter - I relied on JSONB operators. Creating a custom cartridge also seemed too complicated to consider adding own Postgres version ASAP.

meow 2016-02-05T13:58:52.000360Z


jaen 2016-02-05T14:06:57.000362Z

Oh, right, didn't even notice it's general D : Maybe someone should implement a bot that DMs someone "Did you mean to post in #C03RZGPG3?" or something.

meow 2016-02-05T14:17:08.000363Z

Yeah I don't know the solution. I'm on every channel so it doesn't bother me but Slack should make this easier on the admins.

meow 2016-02-05T14:17:40.000364Z

Sean said the admins discussed it an changes are imminent.

akiva 2016-02-05T20:47:26.000369Z


akiva 2016-02-05T20:47:41.000370Z


meow 2016-02-05T20:56:02.000371Z

It's all good. Thanks, Sean.