
Announcements from the Clojurians Admin Team (@U11BV7MTK @U077BEWNQ @U050TNB9F @U0ETXRFEW @U04V70XH6 @U8MJBRSR5 and others)
escherize 2016-03-02T14:41:32.000330Z

Oh, Everyone! I'm making CLJS Fiddle 😮

escherize 2016-03-02T14:41:33.000331Z

👍 10
🎻 6
venantius 2016-03-02T19:25:19.000337Z

huh, I think I didn’t realize this channel existed over #C06MAR553, which only has a fraction of the people

venantius 2016-03-02T19:26:00.000338Z

I guess I’ll repeat my announcement from earlier this week then: Ultra 0.4.1 is now out, with retroactive fallback support for Clojure <1.7.0, bugfixes, and smarter defaults

👍 1
seancorfield 2016-03-02T19:54:11.000340Z

@venantius: Everyone is auto-joined to this channel so we decided to change the focus to just announcements (that all 5,211 people will see). We plan to archive #C06MAR553 — we just wanted to see how things panned out after the name change (of this channel).

👍 5
venantius 2016-03-02T19:56:39.000341Z

I see. was this previously #general?

seancorfield 2016-03-02T19:58:28.000342Z

Yup. That name encouraged too much chatter here (and if folks want to discuss this further we can go to #C0CB40N8K or #C04V84U7G as appropriate).

dmuylwyk 2016-03-02T23:10:38.000346Z

Hello. Which channel would be best for questions about lein deploy and Artifactory?

seancorfield 2016-03-02T23:53:49.000348Z

Probably #C0AB48493