
Announcements from the Clojurians Admin Team (@U11BV7MTK @U077BEWNQ @U050TNB9F @U0ETXRFEW @U04V70XH6 @U8MJBRSR5 and others)
ccann 2016-03-28T01:09:50.000245Z Lightweight Clojure bindings for Kafka 0.9+

Yehonathan Sharvit 2016-03-28T13:38:32.000249Z

[ANN] Klipse 0.2.0 - a simple and elegant online cljs compiler and evaluator.

Yehonathan Sharvit 2016-03-28T13:39:08.000250Z

The latest additions: 1. mobile support 2. js_only and eval_only mode

Yehonathan Sharvit 2016-03-28T13:39:57.000251Z

3. share your KLIPSE: embedd your code in cljs_in url parameter

Yehonathan Sharvit 2016-03-28T13:39:59.000252Z

👍 6