
Announcements from the Clojurians Admin Team (@U11BV7MTK @U077BEWNQ @U050TNB9F @U0ETXRFEW @U04V70XH6 @U8MJBRSR5 and others)
ul 2016-05-16T08:45:50.000506Z

I'm so sorry, but due to unexpected events server where @logbot is hosted probably will be stopped tomorrow. All current logs are safe, and I could publish them as static pages, but new messages will not be recorded until I or somebody else will find a new host for the bot. AFAIK admins of the slack group are able to retrieve full history of messages, it will help us to fill the gap later.

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sveri 2016-05-16T09:23:19.000509Z

@ul: Hi, I got some resources left on my server, if no one else comes up I could jump in, just message me

plexus 2016-05-16T12:24:43.000511Z

Logs from the Clojurians Slack are now available under

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mfikes 2016-05-16T13:29:04.000512Z

Planck 1.12 has been released. Featuring a great HTTP addition by Erik Assum (@slipset) and Fipp by Brandon Bloom:

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mpenet 2016-05-16T20:56:24.000522Z

Alia upgrade available -> important driver update:!msg/java-driver-user/b_CpFceWp5k/aibr-PWLJAAJ

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