Reagent 0.6.0 release candidate is out. Please test/use. When upgrading, if you push Reagent in unusual ways, be aware of this issue:
hi , i am trying to use cljsjs/facebook packages in my build.boot i include the dependency [cljsjs/facebook "v20150729-0"] and in my app.cljs file i include the namespace [cljsjs.facebook] , iam getting the following error "No such namespace: cljsjs.facebook, could not locate cljsjs/facebook.cljs,"
It's only the externs
so i need not include the namespace @rauh
Ooops, this is announce channel. Please use #C03S1L9DN channel.
its ok
I wrote a small library to make it easier to make readable transducers: clj-conduit – I also wrote the rationale + usage for this library in a blogpost:
hey guys, I just released a library for fast fuzzy strings matching by means of a trie. I would appreciate some feedback about it 😉 Check it out here: