
Announcements from the Clojurians Admin Team (@U11BV7MTK @U077BEWNQ @U050TNB9F @U0ETXRFEW @U04V70XH6 @U8MJBRSR5 and others)
richiardiandrea 2016-07-04T01:27:26.000309Z

Check it out - Sunday special πŸ˜„ - replumb 0.2.3 with :preloads support -

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gkadillak 2016-07-04T03:39:15.000312Z

hello everybody!

gkadillak 2016-07-04T03:44:23.000313Z

New to clojurescript after reading


@gkadillak: Welcome but please go to the #C03S1L9DN channel for any discussion. This is an announcement channel which goes to 6.5K people.

gkadillak 2016-07-04T05:42:21.000316Z

ok will do @mikethompson πŸ‘

seylerius 2016-07-04T06:38:15.000317Z

I need to parse foo^2 x^{x+1} to ["foo" [:super "2"] " x" [:super "x+1"]] with instaparse. Tips?

seylerius 2016-07-04T06:57:36.000318Z

The key is that the ^ needs to immediately follow a word character (or maybe a symbol), but not be included in that parse. It needs to be part of the previous parse entry.

seylerius 2016-07-04T06:58:30.000321Z

So I need something like lookback, rather than lookahead


@seylerius: can you take those questions to #C03S1KBA2 ? this channel is for announcements only.

ricardo 2016-07-04T08:15:14.000324Z

A few months ago I released Relevance, a smart tab organizer for Chrome which I wrote in ClojureScript. I’m now releasing the source under the MIT license:

ricardo 2016-07-04T08:15:56.000325Z

Unsure if that was better suited for #C03S1L9DN or this channel, but since it’s an announcement and not a discussion of ClojureScript itself, I figured this is the place.

seylerius 2016-07-04T09:20:10.000326Z

@bensu: My bad, thought I was in #Clojure

sreenath.n 2016-07-04T10:38:30.000329Z

Please help me understand how do you build dashboards by participating in this poll -

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jasongilman 2016-07-04T19:14:06.000334Z

Updates to Proto REPL (Atom editor Clojure plugin) and Proto REPL Charts (Charts and Drawing from Proto REPL) have been released to add a canvas drawing feature: Discuss in #C0RBXJEP5

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