
Announcements from the Clojurians Admin Team (@U11BV7MTK @U077BEWNQ @U050TNB9F @U0ETXRFEW @U04V70XH6 @U8MJBRSR5 and others)
nathanmarz 2016-09-06T14:14:41.000030Z

Specter 0.13.0 released. Specter is a library that supercharges your ability to query and transform regular data structures. Discuss in #specter

nathanmarz 2016-09-06T14:15:28.000032Z

Also published a benchmark along with the release comparing Specter against various manual ways of doing common operations. This includes comparisons with lazy operations, transducers, transients, clojure.walk, and other miscellaneous functions/interfaces.

alexmiller 2016-09-06T16:06:24.000033Z

@nathanmarz what version of Clojure is being used for the benchmarks?

alexmiller 2016-09-06T16:07:51.000034Z

project.clj has 1.7 for dev dependency but it’s hard to tell for the benchmarks themselves. There have been some mods in 1.9 (maybe 1.8 too, not sure) that affect some of these significantly.

alexmiller 2016-09-06T16:07:59.000035Z

in any case, it should be clear what the comparison is

nathanmarz 2016-09-06T16:08:40.000036Z

@alexmiller 1.7.0, will make that clear on the benchmark and publish another one against 1.8.0. Thanks

alexmiller 2016-09-06T16:09:02.000037Z


alexmiller 2016-09-06T16:10:04.000038Z

kinda nice to see some of these even just for the core calls

alexmiller 2016-09-06T16:12:35.000039Z

on the “map a function over a vector”, could you add (into [] (map inc) data) (transducer w/ transients) ?

alexmiller 2016-09-06T16:13:30.000040Z

on “filter a sequence”, maybe (into [] (filter even?) data)