@bhauman I really like the use of iterate in your solutions. Most of my searches are still loop-recurs, that's a really cool way to structure search.
@angusiguess thanks! iterate allows you to operate on the list of individual states that result from each step, loop has less overhead but requires more thinking 🙂
I'm working on day 24 right now
Yeah, that's the bit. Any time I could prevent some heavily nested destructuring would be nice.
24 is pretty good. I really liked 23 too, a lil' bit of manual jitting
@angusiguess I looked at you stuff the other day, the other thing I would recommend is to take advantage of read-string 🙂
nothing like having your own parser
er I mean reusing clojures powerful parser
Hahaha, yeah there's a lot of regular expression use in there admittedly.
when I read 24 I was like really, that seems like a lot of work
but here goes
Luckily you've probably got loads of bfs code already written