Nice weekend everyone? 😄
got day9.. should have used a map and not vars for the loop/recur
too bad you can't change it 🙂 (git records all of our sins)
force push to the rescue
lol. i like having the history of my refinements for AoC
@minikomi Nice solution! Your throw may make things more robust, but if the input is valid, I think you should be able to take the three cases \,
, and \!
and eliminate them, if you take the result-expr for \,
and use it instead of the (throw ...)
yeah, i just had it there to refine my solution.. catch (ha!) the times it went awry.
Instead of trying to say it in words, this variation on your solution works for me:
oh, is cancel guaranteed to only be in garbage? that's good then!
Right, I think you can interpret the problem definition that way. And it seems to be borne out by the input data.
there 🙂 credited you in the commit heh
man this wording for day 10 part 2 is confusing.
If the suffix is added, there's 8 3, 4, 1, 5, 17, 31, 73, 47, 23
as the steps.. but the skip sequence carried over is 4
rather than 9, since 9 steps have occured..?
oh, ok i got it.
I've gotta search for the number of times part 2 has been reduce -> reductions
I've used Clojure for all three years, and I feel like some of the earlier problems are easier to solve in a procedural style, but I feel like functional languages really start to shine after a few days.
Though the hash cracking one from... last year?... was a bit tough... I had to learn more about Java interop to make it fast
I'd love to go through and solve these with different paradigms, hone a sense for what gets easier and what gets harder
Also had Proto Repl finally set up on my laptop for this round 😄
@fellshard same here, but right now trying to decide between “pretty” with reduce
/`reductions` vs 30x faster with apply
(apply str (map #(format "%02x" %) xored))
Was pretty happy wit that hexidecimal-string-conversion 😄
is such a beast
Hi all! @fellshard Indeed, “coda” is a musical term; It literally means “tail” in Italian. It refers to the bars that come after a repeating part. I don’t know how it popped into my mind, but I like it better than “tail” which can be confusing when destructuring linked lists.
Day 11:
Today I didn’t have much time to arrive to the solution from first principles; I had to lookup hex grids and how they work.
I’ve included a link to a nice article in my solution code.
Day 11 is a bit difficult for me
I’ll peek at @orestis's link
Anyone who wants a SPOILER or hint, peek in this thread
my solution for today: with a handy ascii art on how the coordinates are handled.
In my opinion, today’s challenge lent itself well to one of the most elegant & concise solutions this year so far
@mikelis.vindavs That is indeed very nice.
Did anyone else get emotional while reading > “It’s my child process,” she says, “he’s gotten lost in an infinite grid!” here’s mine
Day 11:
cube coordinates everywhere 😄
@mfikes isomorphic once again
I have to admit without the hint about cube coordinates I would still be thinking right now
Me too. I did some quick research and chose that coordinate system because it makes calculating distance trivial.
The photo in the spoiler thread above did it for me
I’m wrote a game on hex grid once so it was a no-brainer
I solved it without cube coordinates, by using the simplified versions of de diagonals for north and south. So NE + NW = (1,1) + (1,-1) = (2,0). Calculation is simple after that, similar to using a Z-axis.
@erwin link?
nice approach with the input resolving directly to coordinate tuples 👍:skin-tone-2:
@erwin nice!
it seems so simple once you see it
today was fast to compensate for yesterday, which was very slow for me 😁
woo, i forgot that reductions
oow, still a defect? wrote the solution in a repl / nightcode at work and pasted it in github in one file. Let me fix that.
There is an interesting perf anomaly with @erwin's solve-2
where it runs in 124 ms for me in Clojure vs. 15 ms in self-hosted ClojureScript. Hrm.
@mfikes sanity check: do they yield the same outcome?
Yes, 1493
This was the page I hit for the research I did. It has incredible visualizations of the coordinate systems.
I hit that one too and then I tried the q layouts, but had problems calculating the distance
I scrolled down to the Distances section and saw that Cube coordinates has a nice formula.
yeah, that’s the same system as on the photograph, but I was nearly awake then 😉
ok just finished, I spent some time on paper trying to devine the properties of the system first
now to see what others did
+1 for the Christmas ascii art @bhauman
@borkdude thats from the first advent of code
oh I see others did this as well, congrats @mikelis.vindavs!!
and @erwin
oh wait yours is different but I think logically equivalent
Interesting. @bhauman's also exhibits that odd perf anomaly where part 2 is much faster in Planck.
90 ms vs. 30 ms
well its the same work, so maybe its warmed up
Planck starts off at 90 ms but then drops down to 30 ms. My guess (based on some stuff Timothy Baldridge was saying): JavaScriptCore uses a tracing JIT, so after it sees execution, it can compile things to machine code that relies purely on primitives. There is evidently something tracing JITs can do that the Java VM can't do with its current implementation, but I don't fully appreciate what is going on.
Perhaps the day 11 problem happens to be highly amenable to tracing analysis, involving a tight loop of math at its core.
This sounds like an Advent of Code problem in itself
javascript engines are freaking crazy
Day 12: > Part 1: some random array walking > Part 2: perhaps the day 12 problem happens to be highly amenable to tracing analysis, involving a tight loop of math at its core. > Determine the time spent after running the algorithm on the output of part 1.
FWIW, my solution also exhibits the odd perf anomaly: part-2
is 124 ms in Clojure and 19 ms in Planck / JavaScriptCore.
using the tips and tricks from day5 i see some boxed math and reflection optimization possibilities, so I would say that it is indeed the tracing jit
FWIW, nooga's is also exhibiting the same phenomenon
@mfikes what about your own? adding ^int ^int ^int ... and it is 10ms and 20 ms
@mfikes oh sorry 🙂
Yeah, for me the call to Math/max
was using reflection. 😱 My solution dropped from 124 ms to 8 ms with
try using (defn abs [n] (max n (- n))) instead
So, in short, no tracing JIT magic, just plain old reflection being damned slow.
would probably have same effect
@alonoaky Yep
wasn’t this kind of type hint also valid? (defn ^long distance […] …)
. When I call distance from the REPL it works fine
But when I call it from another form, I get: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to resolve classname: clojure.core$long@462e36ad
Short snippet of what I mean:
(defn ^long d [] 1)
(Math/abs (d))
@borkdude I think that's where they go in ClojureScript, but in Clojure
(defn d ^long [] 1)
I'm not so sure, TBH.
cool, 12 ms for both parts now
why can’t I use ^longs here (instead of annotating each element):
here I could:
Hmm. ^longs
means a primitive array of ^long
> What about when you have a sequence of values, all of a uniform type? Clojure provides a number of special hints for these cases, namely ^ints, ^floats, ^longs, and ^doubles.
works for apply +
maybe it’s not supported in a destructuring form
I’ll ask in #clojure
This works though:
(defn f [[x y z :as ^longs args]]
(apply + args))
so I think as long as you’re using the entire sequence, the type hint will work, but not for individually destructured elements
Turns out +
doesn’t need the type hint, so it’s bogus anyway
This is a bit funny. This give a type hint warning:
(defn f [[x y z]]
(+ x y z))
but this doesn’t
(defn f [[x y z]]
(apply + [x y z]))
I guess because a vector cannot contain primitives anyway
Hmm @borkdude I don't get a reflection warning on your first form (in Clojure 1.9.0)
Or, what do you mean by "type hint warning"?
@mfikes (set! *unchecked-math* :warn-on-boxed)
Ahh, that's cool. By doing (set! *unchecked-math* :warn-on-boxed)
you are essentially saying you want the (+ ...)
form to use unchecked math (presumably replacing clojure.core/+
with clojure.core/unchecked-add
in some way at compile time), but it is warning that it can't actually employ unchecked math because the values are boxed as Object
instances? (Which can be fixed by type hinting them.)
But in the second form, +
is not being compiled—it is being passed in as a higher-order function to apply
, so the result is that you get checked arithmetic regardless.
aaah 💡
I'd like to know why you can't make the second form use unchecked arithmetic by changing it to:
(defn f [[x y z]]
(reduce unchecked-add [x y z]))
vectors can’t contain primitives, but not sure if I understand the problem
OK, so
(unchecked-add Long/MAX_VALUE Long/MAX_VALUE)
but no
(apply unchecked-add [Long/MAX_VALUE Long/MAX_VALUE])
Also no
(let [ua unchecked-add] (ua Long/MAX_VALUE Long/MAX_VALUE))
Compiler chicanery.same reason as before, inlining doesn’t work with higher order?
I think this is why Zach wrote
I like Zach's intro here!msg/clojure/d89gjX_5Om8/KgBcIORMGYYJ
the lib is now “archived”?
I finished an alternate solution for day11 that doesn't use a coordinate system
cool, so many different approaches
@thegeez Care to give us the tl;dr explanation?
turns two moves into either zero, one or two moves. For instance [:n :s] is the same as doing nothing, [:n :se] is the same as take a single :se step
one by one the steps from moves are added to the shortest path, where the added step might undo a previous step, combine with another step into a single step or the step is added
very creative!
The first version of that took way too long for part two, but now it works