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orestis 2017-12-28T18:52:09.000347Z

Hey all! I’ve had to skip a few days around Christmas, but I’m finally all caught up. It’s been a great pleasure and honour to be able to learn so much from everyone in this channel. Thank you all!

👍 1
orestis 2017-12-28T19:02:12.000344Z

My Day 24 with tree-seq:

orestis 2017-12-28T19:03:30.000132Z

Day 25 is traditionally a simple one:

fellshard 2017-12-28T21:51:00.000148Z

Oof. Gave Synacor a poke, got the basic VM running. I forgot how rough it is working with bytes in Clojure.

ihabunek 2017-12-29T08:34:30.000125Z

@fellshard i did the same, as far as i can tell it's impossible to read unsigned bytes?

fellshard 2017-12-29T09:21:11.000099Z

I have to consume them as signed bytes, then convert to their unsigned values inside a short.