They are talking about day 9
All done - hooray
day 23 2 :harold:
Honestly, I lucked my way through that one at the repl. It’s the only one I’m not sure I could do from scratch again. I still don’t know what a correct algorithm is. 😞
I am reusing today's solution for 23/2 right now : )
at this point I'll accept anything under 30minutes, will see how it goes
out of 1000, 978 ranges intersect
@norman Which algorithm for connected components did you use?
(for Day25)
For search? Just a simple bfs
I’m looking at ubergraph at the moment though
That’s probably worth having in the toolbelt
my solution runs in 2s
yours takes over a minute
Yeah. It was 1am when I got started. I’m really surprised it runs 🙂
at all
(defn connected-with [x graph]
(loop [gs graph, cs #{x}]
(let [ng (mapcat #(get gs %) cs)]
(if (empty? ng)
[cs gs]
(recur (reduce dissoc gs cs) (reduce conj cs ng))))))
(defn find-connected
"Graph should be a map from nodes to their neighbors"
(loop [gs graph, ac #{}]
(if (empty? gs)
(let [[cs ngs] (connected-with (ffirst gs) gs)]
(recur ngs (conj ac cs))))))
This is an algorithm to detect connected components of a graph that I came u with past year, since there also was a problem of finding connected components. Don't know how good is it. But I compared the time it takes with . And there is almost no differenceAll the work in my solution is that nest for loop. O(n^2).
I'm wondering if by some chance I accidentally implemented an already known connected components algorithm. Or something very similar