Wasted a lot of time on silly misplaced parens error on this one. ๐ https://github.com/jreighley/aoc2019/blob/master/src/aoc/aoc3.clj
Have you tried parinfer or parindent?
I use cursive and parinfer. It was my distance function that added the absolute values of the two vectors. Since it was all on the same line, it didnโt help
(+ (abs x)) (abs y)
instead of
(+ (abs x) (abs y))
The function was returning the correct number on the y deltas but 0 on the x deltasโฆ@erwinrooijakkers nice tip, using peek instead of last shaved 500ms of the 7s.
I'm getting a late start. Are we using the same leaderboard as last year?
(or I could just look at channel topic, I suppose)
I havenโt seen the same style this year @norman
Only made it through part 1 of day 3 while slacking at work towards the end of the dayโฆ no one noticed the Clojure instead of Python on my screen ๐คท https://github.com/KennyMonster/aoc_2019/blob/c2dfdfffdc4447c34aa6a7c90b0a763d10da8713/src/day_3.clj
There's some days when I've needed a break to do some real programming and get my brain moving again before going back to 'real work'. So long as it hasn't cut into the hours I'm contracted to bill, anyway. ๐
Puzzle 4 was way easier than the last two. I count 8 lines of code for Part 1, with a single line altered to adapt the part 1 solution to part 2.
same here. puzzles are being opened amid of my work time ๐คซ
Actually, just a single character change for part 2. I have a test for repeated digits that looks like this:
(some #(<= 2 (count %)) (partition-by identity (str n))
For part 2, just changing the โ<=โ to โ=โ was sufficient.
i used frequency on the list of digits
Still find it awesome how lisps allow you to do things like #((case part 1 <= 2 =) 2 (count %))
@mpcjanssen ?? You mean frequencies? But that doesnโt care about order, so I donโt see how it would detect sequential duplicates differently than non-sequential ones..
@mchampine you are right. it did give the right answer though
no because the digits are increasing
so any same digits are consecutive
Ahh.. got it.
Good call.
rationalisation after the fact ๐
did not completely think this through before
yes the duplicate check can be pretty dumb if you take advantage of that
I still used dedupe
though for part 1
#(apply <= (digits %))
Damn, so simple!why do you divide by 10000 though I don't get it why not something like (<= 100000 x 999999)
or (= 6 (count (str digits)))
the first one would probably have been better, yeah
I wanted to avoid converting to a string if possible
Wow, using spec. Neat. Btw, you can do a quick and dirty digits conversion with (map read-string (map str (str 123456)))
also nice literal coding with org-babel
the environments are as interesting as the code itself
for mine https://github.com/mpcjanssen/aoc2019/blob/master/day04.ipynb
Yes, tried org-babel a while back. Pretty great stuff you can do. I was mixing bash, python, clojure, and LaTeX as I recall.
Todays one went pretty smooth https://gitlab.com/dmarjenburgh/adventofcode/blob/master/src/adventofcode/year_2019.clj#L65-78
apart from the somewhat vague description for puzzle #2, today was quick & easy: https://github.com/skazhy/advent/blob/master/src/advent/2019/day4.clj
hereโs mine https://gist.github.com/roman01la/c607849e71e6de11549976428cd3d6a6
@karlis indeed, it took me a while to decypher description of the 2nd part
neat use of frequencies! That's a method I only seem to use during advent of code ๐
Oh, this is so great solution. Clever. I overcomplicated a thing this time.
Smart regex for increasing
Try a first time with "filter wrong values", but my predicates were pretty bad, so my evaluation "never" finishes. I re-write it in a dirty (but successful) way. https://github.com/Charlynux/advent-of-code-2019/blob/master/day04/day04.clj
regex turned out to be much faster than parsing and comparing digits
I think each year there are a few problems like day 4 pt. 2 that seem almost intentionally vagueโฆ https://github.com/taylorwood/advent-of-code/blob/master/src/advent_of_code/2019/4.clj
I did
(= (seq s) (sort-by identity compare s)))
10 times slower than regex
Mine is ugly, but it works: https://github.com/rhinoman/aoc2019/blob/master/src/aoc2019/day4.clj
@taylor nice digits
func to convert an int to a seq of digits without string manipulations. I would have never thought to do it that way
@jrwdunham my solution initially used string manipulation, I got about 10x speedup when I cut out all of the type conversions ๐
bug in num-to-digits
for 0
user=> (num-to-digits 0)
(let [MIN 382345
MAX 843167
int-vec (fn [n] (->> n str (map str) (mapv #(Integer/parseInt % 10))))
low (int-vec MIN)
high (int-vec MAX)
too-low #(neg? (compare % low))
in-range #(neg? (compare % high))
pwds (for [a (range 0 10)
b (range a 10)
c (range b 10)
d (range c 10)
e (range d 10)
f (range e 10)
:let [n [a b c d e f]]
:when (->> n frequencies vals (some #{2}))]
(->> pwds
(drop-while too-low)
(take-while in-range)
"Elapsed time: 13.145288 msecs"
=> 290
James'es times on my input and laptop are: "Elapsed time: 159.510294 msecs" "Elapsed time: 324.308817 msecs"
roman's times: "Elapsed time: 227.731395 msecs" "Elapsed time: 172.91049 msecs"
Day 4 part 2 was written very poorly.
very cool. using for
like that to avoid the intermediate numbers
Not too fond of the 10 mins wait after submitting x number of wrong answers
btw, I understood part 2 immediately by looking at examples, don't know why so many were confused. (however, there were few similar requirements in previous years' puzzles, so I might have just recognized it)
same here. although I tend to jam the examples into my tests before I think too much over the problem description
I thought I did too until my answers were wrong
should or shouldn't be valid?
maybe you're unlucky and got input data with an extra edge case
repeating 2 and its not apart of a larger group
its the only group
oh no, now I'm confused. it should be
there must exist at least one consecutive group with a length of 2+
also this is why I did not use frequencies initially, because I recalled "2 but not 3+ in a row", and thought of letters, and did not figure out that there can only be 1 streak per digit, and can't be e.g. 11xx1x
I think it should not, because it is more than 2 in a row
^ this is part 1. part 2 is exactly 2 instead of 2+
@regen "at least one 2+" for part1, "at least one exactly 2" for part 2
Should 123455
yes, for both
*unless outside the range
But isn't the 55 part a larger group of repeating?
is just same digit several times in a row
same reason 123444
didn't count
444 is a group of 3: three 4
s in a row
(partition-by identity coll)
gives you groups
(partition-by identity "123444")
=> ((\1) (\2) (\3) (\4 \4 \4))
Thats not how I understood it. Which was my complaint since it was left up to interpretation
I figured 333444
should work
since the 33
or 44
are not part of a larger group
but you are making the case that it wont work since they are both groups of 3
group of 2
is two of the same digits in a row.
larger group
is tree or more of the same digit in a row
I am, yes. 333444 should be invalid
because it has 2 groups of size 3 each,
the two adjacent matching digits are not part of a larger group of matching digits.I understood this as: As long the repeating digit is not part of the largest group of all groups then it is valid.
So 122333
is valid and so would 222333
but not 123444
since the repeating digit is part of the larger group
yes. here, 33____ and 33__ are two adjacent matching digits
but both are part of a larger group of matching digits
same for 44_ and _44 in 444
It doesn't like it when the first digit is 0
122333 is valid because has 22.
has two groups. Each of size 3 meaning there is no larger group. Since they are both the same
122333 is valid, because there is only 2 2
in a row,
222333 in invalid, because there is 3 2
in a row
No, there are two larger groups.
. (map count (partition-by identity "122333")) => (1 2 3) ;; has group of exactly 2 numbers (map count (partition-by identity "222333")) => (3 3) ;; does not have group of exactly 2 numbers
There we go. They should have just written that ^
> does not have group of exactly 2 numbers
this is why people here bragged about "part 2 was just 1 char diff commit!": (->> ... (some #(<= 2 %))) for part 1 and (->> ... (some #(= 2 %))) for part 2
Not for me. I kept thinking "Oh I get it now." Type the answer in and getting "Sorry wrong answer. Plz wait 10 mins before submitting again."
But wasn't going to bed until I got the goldie
first part was easy though
happened a lot to me in other puzzles. It is not in the aoc interests to make it obvious to you what needs to be done, hence lots of text, indirection in terminology, random bold font highlights, "by the ways", ambiguous examples
I wrote a crazy regex to get dec4/pt2 which i'm sharing for laughs. (Liking the concise and sane strategies I'm seeing here):
(def pattern
zeroes are invalid here :opieop:
right. still works though.
because you filter them out earlier/later
filter them out earlier, with yet another regex
(filter (fn [d] (re-find #"(.)\1" d)))
oh, nevermind, that doesn't do it...
I'd like to see concise pattern including all of it: range, group size, ascendingness
@misha I did a similar optimization to only iterate through non-decreasing digit-vectors ๐
(defn incr [ds]
(let [d (peek ds)]
(if (= 9 d) ;; recursive
(let [ds* (incr (pop ds))]
(conj ds* (peek ds*))) ;; roll over using prev digit
(conj (pop ds) (inc d)))))
(iterate incr [1 4 6 8])
;; => ([1 4 6 8]
;; [1 4 6 9]
;; [1 4 7 7]
;; [1 4 7 8]
;; [1 4 7 9]
;; [1 4 8 8]
;; [1 4 8 9]
;; [1 4 9 9]
;; [1 5 5 5]
;; [1 5 5 6]
;; ...)
yeah, but anything in user space is likely to be slower than for
slower and less readable :kappa:
@misha my un-aptly named monotonically-increasing?
filter seems to be correctly filtering out the 0
I pointed that out so you could speed up regex
I replaced the nested for
clauses in your solution with (for [n (iterate incr [0 0 0 0 0 0]])
and got a 13.5 msec => 9.0 msec speed up
i see. See any way to make the regex more concise, with backreferences and lookahead/behind fanciness?
not even gonna try :d:
Yes, also not fast: part 1: Elapsed time: 485.806268 msecs
; part 2: Elapsed time: 578.42914 msecs
what is incr
? inc?
the recursive function I posted above
(not great at naming things)
taking out the 0
s disjunct in the regex speeds things up by 50-100ms
is it consistent speed up? do you consistently get 13ms on my snippet? for me it fluctuates +-2ms
or did you just compare 9ms on your machine to 13 on mine? :troll: different code too!
For speed AND idiomatic code it's probably better to do it in Rust
Both on my machine with the same inputs
is idiomatic :)
Yep, i didn't thought about using for. But my solution is more general (not only for six digit length numbers)
And is only slightly slower
of course! hence the trollface in my snippet )
got it down to 3.6 ms using transducers ๐ (measured using Criterium's quick-bench)
(defn day4
[start end part]
(let [dv (fn [n] (mapv #(Character/getNumericValue %) (str n)))
dv< (fn [a b] (= -1 (compare a b)))
startv (dv start)
endv (dv end)
incr (fn [ds] ;; increase digit vector until it satisfies non-decreasing condition
(let [d (peek ds)]
(if (= d 9) ;; recursive
(let [ds* (incr (pop ds))]
(conj ds* (peek ds*))) ;; roll over using prev digit
(conj (pop ds) (inc d)))))
pw? (fn [xs]
(some #((case part 1 <=, 2 =) 2 (count %))
(partition-by identity xs)))]
(drop-while #(dv< % startv))
(take-while #(dv< % endv))
(filter pw?))
(completing (fn [n _] (inc n)))
(iterate incr (vec (repeat (count startv) (first startv)))))))
(day4 124075 580769 1) ;; => 2150
(day4 124075 580769 2) ;; => 1462
wow nice!
Nice @qythium, about 1msec faster than @dmarjenburghโs solution in my timing.
the only other place Iโve ever used this is in coding interviews :lol:
I had a solution that worked for all the examples but not for my test input; took me like 6 submissions to get it right
Doing AOC last year was so much easier when I was on vacation for almost the entire month. I have a feeling I'm going to be playing catch up all month...
Yeah, I may need to curb my participation for a while. Too busy.
But I feel better about it knowing that I'm not aiming for leaderboard points. I'll learn what I'm aiming to, just more slowly.
I always feel like I am cheating when I use regex. That never stops me from being tempted. (Including today)
Simple enough: https://github.com/jreighley/aoc2019/blob/master/src/aoc/aoc4.clj Itโs not too often that I use ns without a :require. The separated-pairs? fn seems a bit hacky, but effective.