
Happy Advent 2020! Please put answers in the pinned threads or create one if it does not exist yet. | | Join the private leaderboard with code 217019-4a55b8eb
fellshard 2019-12-15T07:02:27.030Z

Day 15's definitely a sketcher. I'll try it tomorrow if I have the time - which I should, I think.

fellshard 2019-12-15T07:02:49.030300Z

Note to self: generic BFS grid implementation, because it aaaaalways shows up.

➕ 2

Got it with depth first search + backtracking. I already had an a*-algorithm in a util namespace from previous AoC’s that I could use ::blush:

misha 2019-12-15T12:08:20.033Z

wow, why core-sync?

uneman 2019-12-15T13:46:37.034400Z thanks to last year's me, i could reuse my version of bfs.


My intcode machine implementation uses core.async ever since the amplifiers puzzle. Inputs and outputs are delivered through channels. It may be overkill, but I wasn't sure how to make a generic machine that can work with any number of inputs and any number of outputs in any order. Running it is a bit messy and deadlocks are annoying during development, but I haven't really had to tweak the implementation since the last three puzzles that used it

yuhan 2019-12-15T18:47:25.038100Z

It was so tempting to try and solve day 14 using an integer linear programming library - just convert the problem statement and plug into a solver! But unfortunately the domain seemed to be too large to handle in reasonable time

misha 2019-12-15T19:03:10.038400Z

legacy code, ok :opieop:

spfeiffer 2019-12-15T21:38:44.040600Z

If you think you are smarter than Eric, you are not…

fellshard 2019-12-15T22:05:51.040900Z

Time to make pretty pictures. 🎨