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misha 2019-12-22T07:24:57.054800Z

(defn generate-points-from-steps
  "For a vector of steps of the form [\"R\" 10] etc.,
   generates a vector of points starting from origin."
    (fn [path step] 
      (into []
        (concat path (loc-from-loc (last path) step))))
can be just
  (fn [path step]
    (into path
      (loc-from-loc (peek path) step)))
with 2 key improvements: 1)`peek` is constant time lookup of last element in vector (`last` is linear time) 2) into directly into path vector bypasses concat and scans only new lock-from-loc segment. Where concat does not scan for concatting, but then scans entire seq: both old path and new lock-from-lock to put them into empty [] .

misha 2019-12-22T07:31:04.055100Z

so in your code - each next iteration you scan old path segment twice: for last and after concat, instead of nonce

đź‘Ť 1
misha 2019-12-22T07:39:42.055600Z

I think this:

(first (sort
         (fn [p1 p2] (< (dist-to-origin p1) (dist-to-origin p2))
can be this:
(->> points
  (sort-by dist-to-origin <)

misha 2019-12-22T07:49:25.055800Z

(defn loc-from-loc
  "Loc is a hash with :x and :y, step is a vector with a direction string and an integer. Returns a list of locations that have been stepped over."
  [loc step]
  (case (first step)
    "R" (map (fn [step] (update loc :x + step)) (range 1 (+ (second step) 1)))
    "L" (map (fn [step] (update loc :x - step)) (range 1 (+ (second step) 1)))
    "U" (map (fn [step] (update loc :y + step)) (range 1 (+ (second step) 1)))
    "D" (map (fn [step] (update loc :y - step)) (range 1 (+ (second step) 1)))))
can be shorter with destructuring:
(defn loc-from-loc
  "Loc is a hash with :x and :y, step is a vector with a direction string and an integer.
   Returns a list of locations that have been stepped over."
  [loc [dir len]]
  (let [offsets (range 1 (+ 1 len))]
    (case dir
      "R" (map (fn [step] (update loc :x + step)) offsets)
      "L" (map (fn [step] (update loc :x - step)) offsets)
      "U" (map (fn [step] (update loc :y + step)) offsets)
      "D" (map (fn [step] (update loc :y - step)) offsets))))


Anyone have any tips for day 22 part 2? I think I need to revisit my algebra courses. Put possible spoilers in thread.


In noticed both the number of cards in the deck and the number of times you repeat the shuffle process are prime numbers.

misha 2019-12-22T14:06:55.059Z

Alper Cugun 2019-12-22T21:15:59.060100Z

I hope nobody minds me posting AoC as far back as this but after the rough start on part 1, assembling the part 2 solution from its components was a breeze.


Phew, finally solved today. Spent so much time going in wrong directions… I put the explanation in a comment

uneman 2019-12-24T01:40:26.065100Z

thanks. i wasn't aware of modular inverse and that's why my division made the different answer..