the AOC server is struggling tonight
Yeah, I was getting alternating 502/503 errors within the first minute or so.
Per reddit thread (, the downtime was due to overloading their configured AWS instances. They'll be canceling leaderboard points for the first day.
Got day 1 done.. My question 2 answer came up too easily.. I might have to mix up my data to make it work on more universal data..
Day 1 with math.combinatorics
Curious: why use set membership rather than `(= 2020 ...)
this case it would be (partial = 2020)
I think
It’s this recommendation from the style guide
;; good
(remove #{1} [0 1 2 3 4 5])
;; bad
(remove #(= % 1) [0 1 2 3 4 5])
;; good
(count (filter #{\a \e \i \o \u} "mary had a little lamb"))
;; bad
(count (filter #(or (= % \a)
(= % \e)
(= % \i)
(= % \o)
(= % \u))
"mary had a little lamb"))
oh, cool TIL about math.combinatorics
I had to roll my own inefficient combinations function
but I guess @nbardiuk that might be a good exercise haha. I did
(require '[clojure.math.combinatorics :as combo])
(->> (combo/combinations data 2)
(filter #(= (apply + %) 2020))
(apply reduce *))
Maybe I should create a repo for advent of code hmmmm
no deps, little waste, part 2 "Elapsed time: 2.362157 msecs"
(let [xs (->> input (str/split-lines) (map read-string) (sort <))
vecs (for [x xs
y xs
:while (< (+ x y) 2020)
z xs
:let [s (+ y x z)]
:while (<= s 2020)
:when (= s 2020)]
[x y z])]
(some->> vecs first (apply *))))
"Elapsed time: 2.362157 msecs"
@zackteo your example gives me "Elapsed time: 1095.922251 msecs" for part2
@misha right >< yeah was thinking it isn't optimal but at least is a start hahaha 🙂 I usually don't get these challenges done
so the first while is a pre-filtering. And xs is the sequential list of numbers?
(for [x [1 2 3]
y [1 2 3]]
{:x x :y y})
({:x 1, :y 1}
{:x 1, :y 2}
{:x 1, :y 3}
{:x 2, :y 1}
{:x 2, :y 2}
(for [x [1 2 3]
:when (< x 2)
y [1 2 3]]
{:x x :y y})
({:x 1, :y 1}
{:x 1, :y 2}
{:x 1, :y 3})
is parsed puzzle input, seq of ints, yes
(defn find-first [p xs]
(->> xs (filter p) first))
there is more efficient some
(some pred xs)
that is interesting
(defn find-first [p xs]
(some #(when (p %) %) xs))
some returns first truthy value, so I had to wrap it into when, and it is slightly slower nowYes, the combinatorics namespace has been very valuable for many AoC Puzzles in the past.
ah, yes, should have mentioned: you'd have to change predicate too.
I used a different apporach to solve this problem here: The runtime complexity here is O(n) for part1 and O(n^2) for part 2
I made use of some
in combination with set lookup. I find it quite simple.
Task 1: ~ 0.25 msecs
Task 2: ~30 msecs
When executed with babashka
in the worst case filter
walks extra 31 element after first
is ready to go:
(->> (range 100)
(filter #(do (println %) (even? %)))
=> 0
oh, that is valid point, it is dangerous in case of side effects inside filter
I am still curious why in my case some
was not visibly faster, maybe it is related with chunking?
(chunked-seq? (range 100)) ; true
(chunked-seq? (combinations 2 [1 2 3])) ; false
When I use a sorted-set
as input I go down to 0.08ms and 0.09ms.
But I think my input list favors this heavily as just 7 numbers are smaller than 2020 / 2
Why the while
👋Newbie coder. Trying my first AoC. Any helpful feedback is welcome!
@mroerni my definition of functional programming is “pure functions (that always return same output with same input) and no use of mutable variables”. By that definition the solution was already functional. Perhaps you mean something different, like using higher order functions with well known names (see below)?
@juniusfree indeed map
and filter
are implemented using recursion. I think it’s instructive to look at and they have similar patterns to your solution, the gist of it (clojure.core one also uses lazy-seq
to delay evaluation of recursive call making them lazy, and chunked sequences to increase performance):
(defn map* [f coll]
(when (seq coll)
(cons (f (first coll)) (map* f (rest coll)))))
(map* inc [1 2 3])
;; => (2 3 4)
can also be implemented recursively and you can implemented map
and filter
also in terms of reduce
Some examples are given in (`reduce` is called accumulate
there and is used to implement other higher order functions).
It states in SICP:
> In effect, map
helps establish an abstraction barrier that isolates the implementation of procedures that transform lists from the details of how the elements of the list are extracted and combined
The recursive definitions you defined yourself probably already exist, or can be written in, terms of higher order functions with well known names, thus making us think differently and perhaps arguably more functionally.@erwinrooijakkers Correct. There are a lot of built-in functions in Clojure that I still have to explore!
notice, input ints are sorted ascending. while
makes sure for
does not iterate over combinations which are already known to be useless.
even though xs are sorted, combinations of [x y z] - are not, and as soon as y
or z
becomes large enough to disqualify [x y z] - while
makes for
abandon iteration over the rest of y
or z
, and takes next x
(or y
respectively) instead
if all combinations would be sorted by sum
, you'd be able to just (->> combos (drop-while <2020) first)
. but combinations are not sorted, so need to terminate "branch" early another way: while
Have look at recur
for tail-recursion.
Check this out
(defn check-second
[fst rst]
(nil? (first rst)) nil
(= 2020 (+ fst (first rst))) (* fst (first rst))
:else (recur fst (rest rst))))
And: Are abbreviated parameters worth it?
I have no idea what you mean with loe
I think so, yes:
(defn- -unchunk [sek]
(when sek
(cons (first sek)
(-unchunk (next sek))))))
(defn unchunked-seq
"converts coll into seq which will be realized 1 element at a time,
and not in chunks, like e.g. 32 for (range 40)."
(let [xs (seq coll)]
(if (chunked-seq? xs)
(-unchunk xs)
(->> (range 100)
(filter #(do (println %) (even? %)))
=> 0
@mroerni Thanks for checking. loe
just means list of expenses. I'll definitely look into recur
And it looks like you are still in the “thinking in loops”-phase (every functional programming beginner starts there when they come from python, java, … whatever In functional programming you would not “iterate” over things.. You apply functions to collections. Like so:
(defn check-second [fst rst]
(when-let [snd (some (fn [possible-snd] (when (= 2020 (+ fst possible-snd)) possible-snd)) rst)]
(* fst snd)))
(`(some pred coll)` returns the first “truthy” value when pred is applied to every element in item.)Or maybe easier to understand:
(when-let [snd (first (filter #(= 2020 (+ fst %)) rst))]
(* fst snd))
@mroerni You're right. I haven't develop the intuition yet on the application of functions on collections. Any tips or resources for that? And thanks for providing the revised code. I'll definitely study this.
(cond (seq x) (blabla)
:else 0)
;; is the same as:
(if (seq x)
and you can use some sequential destructuring ( instead of doing first and rest amybe
(defn report-repair
(empty? loe) 0
:else (or
(check-second (first loe) (rest loe))
(report-repair (rest loe)))))
(defn report-repair
[[x & xs :as expenses]]
(empty? expenses) 0
:else (or
(check-second x xs)
(report-repair xs))))
(defn report-repair [[x & xs :as expenses]]
(if (seq expenses)
(or (check-second x xs)
(report-repair xs))
@juniusfree Maybe have a look at Clojure for the Brave and True But what I told you makes the difference between “Learning the clojure syntax” and “Learning functional programming”
right! I also have noticed that sorting input improves almost any solution I've tried
ah I see smart 🙂
(time (reduce * (find-pair data 2020))) “Elapsed time: 0.646178 msecs” => 786811 (time (reduce * (find-triple data 2020))) “Elapsed time: 1.553634 msecs”
That doesn’t count the slurp or sort though.. using sorted data made my first answer right.
@mroerni in my eyes it’s quite a functional solution already because of the use of recursion. But yes there are possibly functions that encapsulate these recursive patterns in names (like map
, filter
, reduce
and for
-comprehension). I 100% agree with not using abbreviations.
I updated to similar to you 🙂
25ms then
Did not look for edge cases (like adding same number) and was not necessary for my input
Ah your while is one step earlier
Then 3ms
(def inp (map #(Integer/parseInt %) (str/split-lines (slurp ""))))
(first (for [a inp b inp :when (= 2020 (+ a b))] (* a b))) ;; part 1
(first (for [a inp b inp c inp :when (= 2020 (+ a b c))] (* a b c))) ;; part 2
I think this use of recursion is symptom of this “loop” thinking. And not an “apply function to collection” mindset. Recursion doesn’t make it functional. You can think of it that way: Does the decision whether a value in the input has a partner to sum to 2020 or not depend on prior values in the input? Does the order matter? No. So why a recursion? In a recursion you do one thing after another.
@mroerni @erwinrooijakkers Thanks for your feedback. I'll take some time to study these things.
I have a question though. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Doesn't map
,`filter`, etc. uses recursion under the hood?
Maybe, maybe not. 🙂 But this shouldn’t be your concern, it is a layer of abstraction.
@mroerni OK. 😅