
Happy Advent 2020! Please put answers in the pinned threads or create one if it does not exist yet. | | Join the private leaderboard with code 217019-4a55b8eb
plexus 2020-12-08T05:12:17.378Z

it is lazy, which is why you're getting the stack overflow. consider this

(def x (reduce concat (map #(list %) (range 100000))))

(first x)
the def will work fine, but as soon as you try to realize the first element it throws. At that point it tries to realize the outer concat, which first needs to realize the concat inside of it, and so forth until it bottoms out. Realizing a lazy-seq concumes a stack frame. It's really just a wrapper around an IFn which implements the Seq interface.

plexus 2020-12-08T05:12:39.378200Z

I'll talk about this on the stream today, it's one of those surprising clojure gotchas.

πŸ‘ 1

good morning

πŸŒ… 3

Today, I hoped there was a part 3.

Ben List 2020-12-08T19:27:56.404800Z

If its anything like last year there will be some future problems building off this one

devn 2020-12-08T06:08:40.381100Z

im still banging my head on yesterday’s. trying to do a clara.rules version. I figured out Part I, but Part II is getting me

devn 2020-12-08T21:10:55.407800Z

@misha will post as a gist, one sec

devn 2020-12-08T21:11:09.408300Z

also, you can drag the sidebar and expand it

devn 2020-12-08T06:09:09.381200Z

(defrecord ContainerBag [type contained-bags])

(defrecord IntermediateBag [parent-type type])

(defrecord GoldBag [parent-type])

(defrule produce-intermediate-bags
   (= ?type type)
   (= ?contained-bags contained-bags)
   (seq contained-bags)]
  (when (seq ?contained-bags)
     (mapv (fn [[kind num]]
             (if (= kind "shiny gold")
               (map->GoldBag {:parent-type ?type})
               (map->IntermediateBag {:parent-type ?type
                                      :type kind})))

(defrule indirect-gold-bags
   (= ?type type)]
   (= ?type parent-type)
   (= ?intermediate-type type)]
   (= ?intermediate-type parent-type)]
  (insert! (map->GoldBag {:parent-type ?type})))

(defquery gold-bags []
  [?gold-bags <- (acc/distinct :parent-type) :from [GoldBag]])

(defquery intermediate-bags []
  [?intermediate-bags <- IntermediateBag])

(defn run-rules []
  (-> (mk-session :cache false)
      (insert-all (doall (for [[k vs] (parse input)]
                           (map->ContainerBag {:type k
                                               :contained-bags vs}))))

;; Part I
(-> (run-rules)
    (query gold-bags)
;; => 179

plexus 2020-12-08T06:45:09.382800Z

Today's was a lot of fun!

πŸ‘ 1
βž• 7
πŸ’ͺ 3

A few months ago I wrote an toy asm interpreter as one of my first learn clojure projects. Be nice if I can reuse bits of this for aoc.


Hope they will continue this series as it was last year.

misha 2020-12-08T07:30:44.385700Z

unfortunately, this is unreadable in slack thread even on 15" screen due to line wrapping :(

fingertoe 2020-12-08T08:23:09.387800Z

Bombed out on 7…. Caught up on 8.. I am guessing this is one worth building really good tests around since they will probably have us refactor it a bunch??


For day 7, part 2. What does this mean "becomes topologically impractical"?


I solved part1 as a graph, then reverseed the graph and counted from shiny gold to all the unique nodes i can hit. But I dont know what it means that i have to take into account topologically impractical

nbardiuk 2020-12-08T11:41:54.394200Z

the statement means to go as deep as data, even if in practice nobody would be able nest so many bags in each other

be sure to count all of the bags, even if the nesting becomes topologically impractical!


thank you, so it's like a joke rather than soemthing technical I have to consider?


that makes sense now.

nbardiuk 2020-12-08T12:34:33.396Z

Yes, there are usually only several statements relevant and the rest is for Christmas atmosphere and laughs


Havent looked at day 8 yet, is it int code computer all over again ? πŸ˜„

fingertoe 2020-12-08T14:21:23.397500Z

Smells like it.. ;-)

pez 2020-12-08T18:03:39.403500Z

Part 2 of day 8. I hate it a bit. But now dinner and reading Stravaganza with my kids. Hopefully that will cleanse my thought patterns.

πŸ’ͺ 1
pez 2020-12-09T11:32:24.448400Z

Gold fever is bad for your soul. πŸ˜ƒ


May the Force be with you. Brute force.

😬 1

I probably wrote too much code


Hello everybody and welcome to day8 πŸ˜„ I finished todays task rather fast but I am left wondering if there is more clever solution to second part than just generating all permutations and executing them so this will probably occupy my mind for a little bit. It still completed in less than 70 milliseconds so Β―\(ツ)/Β― but I felt a little like cheating by bruteing it πŸ˜„


I also went for the brute force


can't really think of another way tbf


*spoiler alert click on thread only after finishing the task πŸ™‚


that is what Andrea suggested in other thread and I think it would definitely help in "feel good by not brute forcing it 100%" and I like the idea πŸ˜„


but I was thinking more in the vein that because the every jump is not conditional you could use that as an advantage


hehe well the problem is that that there is a new problem every day


can't really spend too much time on smart solutions if I want to keep up to date πŸ˜„


My gut feeling is that there might be some possible way to do simple heuristics over the code and analyze the bits that will surely loop as the loops are not conditional so they are bound to be executed ever time.


but to be honest this will probably take much more code and in the end will execute slower than basic permutation generation ;d


so as I mentioned my gut feeling is that because jumps are not conditional you could write code that would analyze the source and identify the jumps that would 100% end in infinite loop


yeah maybe it's possible


another thing is that you probably don't need to re-run the whole simulation every time with the changed instructions set (which is what I did at least)


you would only need to branch out every time there is a nop or a jmp


yeah probably


saw the pinned msg, moved my link there


good idea, you could explore the "code space" like tree


moving my solution here


ah yes my bad I did the same

genmeblog 2020-12-08T22:11:14.417800Z

actually you don't need to generate all permutations upfront, you can generate lazy list of permutations and stop when you find first one which terminates properly.


well I generated all the possible replacements which I guess would not be that expensive anyway


it's running the simulation that in theory is the expensive thing


but actually in my solution I'm calling terminates? on all the permutations tbf πŸ˜„ so yeah could definitively improve that

benoit 2020-12-08T22:23:23.418900Z

You could represent the program as a directed graph and run an algorithm to find the minimal cycle-breaking set. But that doesn't seem easy after quick googling :)


Well with loom it would be doable


The graph algorithm is done at least

pez 2020-12-08T23:02:21.420500Z

Bruted it. I feel dirty now.