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Day 25 answers thread - Post your answers here


For the fun of it: added baby-step giant-step logarithm computation and exponentiation as mentioned by @vincent.cantin to bring the runtime for part 1 from 1300 to 1.3 ~13 msecs πŸ™‚

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benoit 2020-12-25T13:52:57.178100Z

Solution to part1.

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For the last step you can just use .modPow. This (mod-pow pubkey loop-size module) returns an answer instantly!

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For those interested by the topic, today’s puzzle was related to

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rjray 2020-12-25T05:39:13.151600Z

Kind of feeling let down by the day 25 puzzle. I expected to find that a brute-force approach wouldn’t be feasible. But hey, at least I can tell my wife that it’s over…

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euccastro 2020-12-25T05:40:59.153Z

I couldn't get part 2 because I started AoC at day 16 so I'm missing stars. here is my solution to part 1:

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The optimization was to choose the smaller loop-size when calculating the solution.

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euccastro 2020-12-25T05:46:16.154300Z

I guess I lucked out then, since mine runs fast enough without worrying about that

euccastro 2020-12-25T05:48:23.154900Z

I even 'cracked' both values unnecessarily


The stats are funny … so many people trying to find a way to get a problem for part2

euccastro 2020-12-26T03:08:34.184Z

OK, I just finished bingeing on 1-15, to see the true ending. disclaimer: I'd seen Lambda Island's AoC 2020 videos and I had seen the Chinese Remainder Theorem spoiler

euccastro 2020-12-25T05:51:18.156100Z

@vincent.cantin come to think about it, why is that an optimization? shouldn't you perform the same number of steps no matter which key you choose to 'crack' (i.e., find the loop size of)? [P.S.: it seems that at least in my implementation it matters which one you pick, because finding the loop size happens to be more expensive than transforming a number by that number of loops]

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Andrew Byala 2020-12-25T05:51:57.156300Z

Pretty straightforward Day 25.

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@euccastro The optimization is for the last step, to find the β€œshared secret”.


Last year I was one of them


I was also wondering … because it is my first year, I wanted to know how to do everything and not miss something.


oh … wait … it is probably people who did not finish all the previous puzzles.

euccastro 2020-12-25T05:57:57.157900Z

but to find the smallest loop size you need to find the loop size of both the door and key, which is actually slower than picking either arbitrarily, find the loop size of that one only, and transform the other with that


yes, you are right.

euccastro 2020-12-25T06:00:00.158500Z

;; 2437 msecs
 (transform (first input) (crack (second input))))

;; 1751 msecs
 (transform (second input) (crack (first input))))

;; 2980 msecs
(time (do (crack (first input)) (crack (second input))))

;; 3450 msecs
   (crack (second input))
   (transform (second input) (crack (first input)))))

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euccastro 2020-12-25T06:03:33.159700Z

yep πŸ™‚


β€œβ€¦ day 20, you again” :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

euccastro 2020-12-25T06:04:49.160100Z

heheh, in my case I'm missing all up to 15. I'll do them at a more leisurely pace

Alexandre Grison 2020-12-25T06:15:11.160300Z

Yes you need 49 stars so that they give you the 50th for free

Alexandre Grison 2020-12-25T06:15:28.160500Z

but there are people who don't know they need to click

Alexandre Grison 2020-12-25T06:16:51.160700Z

Took me 7 seconds to click but I was faster than 29 other peoples. Going from rank 206 to 177 :face_with_cowboy_hat:

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> Yes you need 49 stars so that they give you the 50th for free Yes, last year I didn’t have all of them. So I just couldn’t click it.


There is an optimization possible for the last step. It looks like: β€’ If the loop-size is even, square the subject-number, then modulo it. Half the loop-size. β€’ If it is even, do one step as usual.

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It will run in O(log_2(loop-size))

Average-user 2020-12-25T07:00:41.163300Z

But saddly, that is not the bottleneck


Only part 1 for me today πŸ™‚

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nbardiuk 2020-12-25T07:18:54.163900Z

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erwinrooijakkers 2020-12-25T08:59:40.167100Z

Thank you! πŸ™‚ Merry Christmas :mother_christmas:

erwinrooijakkers 2020-12-25T09:00:20.167400Z

was a joy to learn from your solutions

erwinrooijakkers 2020-12-25T09:02:23.168600Z

and to be part of this community

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nbardiuk 2020-12-25T09:05:51.170400Z

Marry Christmas 🦌 It was fun journey

Alexandre Grison 2020-12-25T09:05:52.170500Z

are the solutions archived somewhere ? I'd like to read some of them in a month or so, since I didn't solved the challenges with Clojure this year

nbardiuk 2020-12-25T09:07:31.170600Z

we have a pinned solution thread per day

Alexandre Grison 2020-12-25T09:14:11.170900Z


peterc 2020-12-25T10:04:15.172Z

Thanks to everyone for their code solutions and feedback. It was a wonderful learning experience and see you all next year!

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they won't be there in a month, I am afraid.

Joe 2020-12-25T11:11:52.176400Z

I haven't finished yet, but it was fun solving all the problems, and great seeing how other people did things. I learned a lot, thank you!

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2020-12-25T11:40:46.176900Z for rescue

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Alexandre Grison 2020-12-25T12:58:26.177800Z


misha 2020-12-25T19:12:17.182100Z

and as usual "never again" :opieop:

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misha 2020-12-25T19:31:10.183400Z

@a.grison piggybacking on clojureverse's logs: all 5 years of logs in a single offline html page with filtering

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