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madcapjake 2015-11-09T17:01:50.000014Z

Hello alda users! I updated [language-alda]( to support the latest changes to alda syntax. Hope you like it. Don't forget to submit issues if you find something that needs fixing!

dave 2015-11-09T22:11:09.000016Z

looks awesome, thanks @madcapjake!

dave 2015-11-09T22:11:56.000017Z

one thing to consider about automatically adding : after instrument names is that sometimes you may want to specify multiple instruments, e.g. trumpet/trombone/tuba:

madcapjake 2015-11-09T22:23:41.000018Z

oops! you're right!

dave 2015-11-09T22:24:28.000019Z

btw, if anyone has thoughts on Alda having a long-comment syntax again, please let me know your thoughts!

dave 2015-11-09T22:25:08.000021Z

i have a feeling alda 1.0.0 is on the horizon, and it would be good for us to nail down the "official syntax" before then

dave 2015-11-09T22:27:44.000022Z

i could also use more input on this:

madcapjake 2015-11-09T23:30:16.000024Z

Fixed instrument snippet: first instrument places the colon (and allows you to <tab> from before to after if you have no extra instruments or a nickname) and subsequent instruments provide non-coloned completions. Nicely, atom lets you <tab> through to after the first instrument's colon for free!

dave 2015-11-09T23:51:26.000027Z
