
WE'VE MOVED! Join us at:
dave 2016-11-18T02:01:44.000106Z


dave 2016-11-18T02:02:13.000107Z

hey everyone — we’ve decided to create a dedicated alda slack group, to make it easier for alda newcomers to find us on slack

dave 2016-11-18T02:02:17.000108Z

come say hi!

dave 2016-11-18T02:02:55.000109Z

i’ll leave this channel up for a while, to give people time to see that we’ve moved

martinklepsch 2016-11-18T15:32:17.000110Z

@dave not sure if you've considered but maybe putting that channel on Matrix/Riot would also be an option (open protocol, federalized, persistent history, ...) &

dave 2016-11-18T15:33:27.000111Z

this looks interesting! thanks for the heads up

dave 2016-11-18T15:33:43.000112Z

looks like there are a lot of integrations

dave 2016-11-18T15:34:08.000114Z

i’ll have to check it out