
artemyarulin 2016-02-24T14:52:29.000005Z

hi there, does anyone know how to get full url from http request representation? like {:url “<>” :query-params {:a 2}} -&gt; “<>”. I need to sign the request and need exactly the request that aleph then’ll send

artemyarulin 2016-02-24T14:56:37.000006Z

I’ve found (.getUri (aleph.http.core/ring-request-&gt;netty-request req)), but it works with ring like requests and I didn’t find any function that can convert my http request to ring one

artemyarulin 2016-02-24T15:19:57.000007Z

ended up with simple {:url (str “<>&amp;” (aleph.http.client-middleware/generate-query-string {:a 2}))}