I'm using aleph.udp/socket for sendin messages. When receiving messages that have the payload over 2048 characters (json encoded strings), then the payload is chomped to be 2048 characters. Rest of the payload is just dropped.
Is there a way of telling aleph/udp directly that i'd like to have larger payloads/mtu/whatever is limiting the size of the payload?
iām pretty sure that aleph allows you to directly pass options to netty when you create servers/sockets
let me see
yea me too but i wasn't able to decrypt what and where to
looks like this is not the case. interesting. you probably are going to have to call netty functions directly
@elahti can this be relevant? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11525712/why-is-netty-giving-me-only-768-bytes-from-udp-messages
what would this do?
@(udp/socket {:port port
(fn [^Bootstrap bootstrap]
(.option bootstrap ChannelOption/SO_RCVBUF 4096)
(.option bootstrap ChannelOption/RCVBUF_ALLOCATOR
(FixedRecvByteBufAllocator. 4096)))
oh, crappy formatting, will fix
no idea š
yea, thanks for help! i'll tell if it works.
yea it works.
we're in middle of a game hackathon where we're developing a game AI with clojure. the messages got over 2048 chars.