
eslachance 2017-02-08T05:38:48.000122Z

Oh boy. io.netty.handler.codec.CorruptedFrameException: Max frame length of 65536 has been exceeded. <--- is this something I can... uhm... "fix" by allowing bigger packets?

eslachance 2017-02-08T20:26:09.000123Z

So I tried to boost the signal, rotate the phase matrix and even reverse the polarity but... I can't get this to not break on large packets. This is what I have:

(defn connect
  "Creates a websocket Connection to Discord API"
  (let [full-state (merge state {:internal-handlers internal-handlers})
        session (atom full-state)
        ws @(http/websocket-client "<wss://;encoding=json>"
                                   {:max-frame-payload 67108864
                                    :max-frame-size 67108864
                                    :max-queue-size 67108864})]
    (swap! session assoc :ping-counter (atom 0))
    (swap! session assoc :socket ws)
    (s/consume #(on-message %1 session) ws)
    (s/on-closed ws #(on-ws-close session))

eslachance 2017-02-08T20:26:19.000124Z

I still get io.netty.handler.codec.CorruptedFrameException: Max frame length of 65536 has been exceeded

dm3 2017-02-08T20:37:42.000125Z

@eslachance have you tried this one?!topic/aleph-lib/gO_EJMOXCoo

eslachance 2017-02-08T20:38:10.000127Z

I have max-frame-payload in there

eslachance 2017-02-08T20:38:42.000128Z

Actually that post talks about websocket-connection and not websocket-client so I wonder if there are different options for those 2?

dm3 2017-02-08T20:38:59.000129Z

you'll need to read the source I think

dm3 2017-02-08T20:39:02.000130Z

it's not huge

eslachance 2017-02-08T20:40:47.000131Z

as far as I can tell, actually, it's the same.

eslachance 2017-02-08T20:41:00.000134Z

no max-queue size though

csm 2017-02-08T23:23:16.000135Z

so I dug through netty and haproxy, and came up with this: