right, I'll send an email to aleph google groups so his answer is saved for posterity (on Slack the information will disappear after a few days, and on Twitter, well, it's not the most easily searchable 😉 )
is there a representation of aleph that implements CloseableHttpClient?
i'd need to pass an object like that to another java lib
@vale Do you mean aleph http client? server object implements Closeable
, but for the client it’s a bit different… there’s actually no such thing as “client”. you have a connection pool (created by you or default one) which is represented as flow/instrumented-pool
. you can probably try to extract a list of open connections to close them when necessary
i'm not sure if i actually need to close them either... there's a library that uses the apache commons http client internally, but if possible i'd prefer not to have another http dependency if i can just use aleph already.
In that case you need not simply Closable
, you need an instance of https://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-client-ga/httpclient/apidocs/org/apache/http/impl/client/CloseableHttpClient.html (or an instance of subclass). You can use reify
to define execute
methods, but as far as I understand… all of those methods are supposed to be blocking, right?
possibly so
In that case you probably won’t see any advantages of using Aleph