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Very nice, Thank you! :)

RollACaster 2020-12-02T17:51:39.027300Z

This is the thing I wish I had when I started to work with ClojureScript + D3 📊. There is still a lot of work to be done, but maybe it is already useful for someone 🙂


Cool! I've been looking into making apps too, would you say that there were any perf issues with Cordova that you had to lookout for, given you're doing audio work?

avi 2020-12-02T22:19:06.031800Z

Super cool! I totally understand if not, but is there any chance it’s open source, or you might consider giving me a peek at it? I’m super curious about building iOS/Android apps with Clojure, and I’m not up to date with the state of the art there. No worries if not. Thanks!

Chris McCormick 2020-12-02T23:10:13.032200Z

@thomastayac_slack there are performance issues in general doing audio in the browser, yes. I was able to get away with webaudio because the playback is very static (loops) so once the playback is queued up it basically just continues without a problem. When the user makes a change like muting a loop or volume change, I have to update the mix and I do this on an async thread so it doesn't interrupt the main playback. I am looking at ways to improve this using webaudio. An issue with Cordova is it uses whatever webview is in the OS, so if they have an old phone the webaudio implementation might require workarounds. One small upside of this is the binaries are tiny - my app is a couple of megabytes for example. People seem to value this.

Chris McCormick 2020-12-02T23:12:43.032400Z

@aviflax I will open source it at some stage but I am not ready yet. You've given me a good idea though. I will put together a boilerplate/tutorial for building native apps with ClojureScript using Electron and Cordova and post it here. Thanks for your interest!

avi 2020-12-02T23:47:16.033700Z

@chris358 that’d be fantastic — I’m looking forward to it! Please let me know if you could use a beta reader for feedback, I’d be happy to help.