
Project/library announcements ONLY - use threaded replies for discussions. Do not cross post here from other channels. Consider #events or #news-and-articles for other announcements.
iarenaza 2021-01-23T12:17:55.031800Z

@borkdude Docker image for this version seems to be missing in Docker Hub?

borkdude 2021-01-23T12:24:00.032Z

@iarenaza we moved Docker images to the cljkondo organization now instead of the borkdude org:

practicalli-john 2021-01-23T17:32:26.036500Z

Practicalli community tools user-wide configuration for Clojure CLI has been updated • monthly updates of library versions in aliases for community tools • promote calve to main aliases • depstar to version 2.x (version 1 aliases prepended with -classic on alias name • fix :alpha/hot-load commit sha (had been swiched to head commit by mistake)

iarenaza 2021-01-23T19:59:19.037600Z

Whoops! I hadn't noticed it. Sorry for the noise 😅

borkdude 2021-01-23T19:59:43.037800Z

No worries


re-com - there have been a series of releases in December and January, including: • more consistent treatment of disabled? in all components, for UI that has to switch to a readonly mode • added two "multi-select" widgets for different scenarios • added two table components (Alpha ststus) • it is now easier to style deep inside of components via "parts" • added various PRs • closed various issues Demo app:
