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seancorfield 2021-02-21T02:26:28.007300Z

seancorfield/depstar {:mvn/version "2.0.188"} is available on Clojars -- -- :compile-ns now allows regex to match namespaces (thank you, @iagwanderson), :jvm-opts lets you pass JVM options to the compile process (e.g., for direct linking), :compile-fn let's you override the compile step if you need something custom (such as when building cljfx apps), ignores .DS_Store files, treats JAR files as ZIP files which should be more robust in the face of strangely constructed JAR files. 2.0.188 fixes a bug with :compile-ns :all introduced in 2.0.187

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bartuka 2021-02-21T10:36:57.008900Z

Nice, thanks @seancorfield

ghadi 2021-02-22T14:07:54.012300Z

Yup it was made by @quephird

eggsyntax 2021-02-21T02:50:57.007500Z

I hadn't seen the logo until just now, that's really funny 😂

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seancorfield 2021-02-21T04:17:21.008200Z

I'm not sure who is responsible for that at Health Finch long before I took over the library. Maybe Danielle Kefford? She committed both that logo and an earlier logo...

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