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blak3mill3r 2021-03-10T01:49:13.313200Z

@lilactown and others wishing to explore the value-proposition of Monads from a clojure perspective may appreciate this talk

blak3mill3r 2021-03-10T01:51:57.313600Z

Monads are very powerful and FWIW, I am glad to see this new library from @nilern ... one of my favorite things about Clojure is that it can be extended so flexibly that we can poach most excellent ideas from other languages.

raspasov 2021-03-10T03:37:48.313900Z

@blak3mill3r great, let me know how it goes

Ben Sless 2021-03-10T07:57:08.314300Z

Any chance to bother you for a sneak peak on how you intend to use it for async IO or effects?

mccraigmccraig 2021-03-10T08:57:05.314500Z

i like the formulation with the various effect operations implemented as different types @nilern ... food for thought - are you heading towards a general purpose effect-combining approach like fused-effects &c ?

nilern 2021-03-10T12:01:56.315200Z

So is my async library, the goal is something similar to Scalaz ZIO and Concurrent ML. I also have a freer monad with higher-order effects for maximum expressivity but I am not sure whether that is even a good idea; the ZIO/polysemy approach might not support backtracking with scoped resources or whatever but that is hardly called for in web apps.

nilern 2021-03-10T12:08:32.315600Z

Obviously those should not be used yet and fell doesn't even use monnit ATM

mccraigmccraig 2021-03-10T12:39:13.315900Z

this looks great - and i haven't really grokked the free/freer stuff yet, having a clojure should help me with that 🙂

nilern 2021-03-10T13:03:47.316300Z

It's hard and dynamic typing probably makes it even harder. Again, not sure if bringing such a thing into Clojure is even a good idea.

mccraigmccraig 2021-03-10T13:12:14.316500Z

well i won't be able to discuss that point until i've grokked them 🙂

mccraigmccraig 2021-03-10T13:12:48.316700Z

but even if free/freer is not the route, i do think that there's a lot of scope for bringing effectful stuff into clojure

nilern 2021-03-10T13:58:05.317300Z

Yes and the re-frame (-style) effects processing is very clunky, surely we can do better than that

lodin 2021-03-10T14:00:51.317500Z

@nilern How do you know which monad to use in mlet?

nilern 2021-03-10T14:09:27.317700Z

(mlet [a (foo 5)] ... just becomes (bind (foo 5) (fn [a] ... and bind is a protocol method. The mlet bindings could even use different monads but don't do that (seems that in Haskell do is not just syntactic sugar after all since using different monads in one do is a type error).

lodin 2021-03-10T14:12:11.317900Z

(In Haskell it is just sugar since bind has the type m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b; the m cannot change.)

lodin 2021-03-10T14:17:16.318100Z

Now I see. While you have a multimethod pure, you actually use regular function for the particular monad.

nilern 2021-03-10T14:17:26.318300Z

(I see it now.)

nilern 2021-03-10T14:19:02.318500Z

Yes there is no magic to emulate return value polymorphism for pure.

lodin 2021-03-10T14:19:03.318700Z

The docs for mlet is a bit misleading I think, unless I'm missing something.

nilern 2021-03-10T14:23:00.318900Z

You found a bug in the docstring, the pure part would not work (unless you e.g. :refer monnit.option/pure)

lodin 2021-03-10T14:25:36.319100Z

To make it work you'd have to save away the result of e.g. (foo 0) and pass that as the first argument to pure.

nilern 2021-03-10T14:33:45.319300Z

Actually (type a). algo.monads implicitly wraps the body in the right pure and Cats sets a dynamic Var to a MonadContext so that (pure 0) usually just works (but there have been bugs).

nilern 2021-03-10T14:39:15.319500Z

One of my motivations is to avoid any indirections and tricks like that. Even the pure multimethod is just for situations where pure must actually be polymorphic like helper fns/macros.

lodin 2021-03-10T14:44:49.319700Z

Unfortunately that approach doesn't work well with lazy evaluation, eg if you use it in a function that you use with map. Then the context might be missing, or even the wrong context, when running the function.

nilern 2021-03-10T14:48:57.319900Z

As I said earlier I usually see dynamic Vars as a code smell. The Reader monad should be less fragile (but the Cats implementation uses dynamic Vars 🤯).

nilern 2021-03-10T17:55:33.320900Z

I put out 0.1.2 with docstring improvements (thanks @lodin.johan!)

lread 2021-03-10T22:42:41.332700Z

rewrite-clj 1.0.572-alpha is available. The rewrite-clj library is used to parse and rewrite Clojure/ClojureScript/EDN source from Clojure and CloureScript while preserving whitespace. After a long, pleasant and circuitous journey, I am pleased to announce the first v1 (alpha) release of This release dusts off a well loved Clojure library, and adds Notably, it merges in, and brings up to feature parity with rewrite-clj v1, the functionalities of The release is looking solid to me, but I expect there to be issues and feedback, hence the alpha status. Thanks to a wonderful community for all the help and delightful interactions. And much thanks to @rundis for rewrite-cljs and @yannick.scherer for rewrite-clj v0. All with an interest are most welcome to drop on over to #rewrite-clj to chat.
