Just released µ/log-v0.7.1 - "μ/log (Pronounced: /mjuːlog/) is a micro-logging library that logs events and data, not words!" https://github.com/BrunoBonacci/mulog • [NEW] Added https://cljdoc.org/d/com.brunobonacci/mulog/0.7.1/doc/samplers/jmx-mbean-metrics-sampling to capture/sample the value of MBeans. • [NEW] Added https://cljdoc.org/d/com.brunobonacci/mulog/0.7.1/doc/samplers/kafka-metrics-sampling to sample metrics from Kafka apps • Added support for GraalVM native compilation
Announcing deps-bin 🎉 - Generate a executable embedded jar from a jar file via clojure cli.
It's a simpler port from lein-binplus
to deps.edn