At long last, the State of Clojure 2021 results are available ...
Interesting to know if the increase in org size is correlated directly to use in financial services as I expect those to be the larger orgs who throw more developers at a project. I’m not entirely sure that is a good thing.
Is there a way to access the raw results?
@ben.sless at the bottom of the page
@simongray those are the full results, not the raw results. A CSV would be nice
if you have need of something specific, dm and I can probably drop it out for you. I do not want to drop out anything that has full individual responses as they can be pretty de-anonymizing in combination
Interesting to see the programming career length is split 50/50 between folks programming <10 years and >10 years (with a long tail out to 25+).
@alexmiller Is there a channel where you’d prefer follow-up discussion happen about the survey results?
#clojure I guess?
I'd have liked to see the charts showing the last three years or so, so that we could see the actual changes. The text might say "Clojure has seen large grownthin large companies" but a time series bar chart could actually show it to us.
26% of (clojurescript users?) don't have any tests!
@hlship prior results all linked at the end (not disagreeing, I don't have time to make that chart atm but the data is there)
I'm not interested in the free text/individual responses at all. Just wanted to analyze some of the trends
org.clojure/data.json 2.1.0 is available • DJSON-39 - Add support for writing java.util.UUIDs (as strings) - thanks Erik Assum!